French and Indian War Timeline

By Dounuts
  • George Washington creating Ft. Necessity

    George Washington creating Ft. Necessity
    This event is when George Washington starts construction to build Ft. Necessity. One month later French commander which is Jumonville's half-brother, won to get Washington to surrender. Then Jumonville's muder had to be confessed.
  • French Take Ft. Oswego

    French Take Ft. Oswego
    Montcalm (french commander) is mad because he has found his Indian soldiers are killing injured soldiers. They also make slaves out of the ones held captive. This happened in upstate New York.
  • Massacre at Ft. William Henery

    Massacre at Ft. William Henery
    This massacre was after the British surrendered. The British surrendered because Montcalm promised a safe trip back to England . This resulted in 310 British being killed and 185 Indians killed.
  • American Colonists Refuse to Serve Under British Commander

    American Colonists Refuse to Serve Under British Commander
    Lord Loudoun (the new British commander at the time) began demanding exact numbers of money from the colonies. This resulted in people not want to cooperate with him anymore. Loudoun also managed lots of things these people did.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    The battle of Quebec occured because the French commander Montcalm was killed. Wolfe was killed aswell. Then the british take over Quebec in an uphill attack.
  • William Pitt Leading the British

    William Pitt Leading the British
    William Pitt was planing to open the ohio river valley up to the british and then take over the rest of Canada. Then he wanted to end the war, but to do his he had to turn back to the colonies to help. To engourage the colonists to help with the war he told the colonists he would give them lots of money for these services.
  • French Surrender Montreal

    French Surrender Montreal
    When the French surrender it is because the French are outnumbered. This happened in Quebec. This was the last battle fought in America in the time period of the French and Indian wars.
  • Iriquois Join British-American Alliance

    Iriquois Join British-American Alliance
    This action resulted in the balance of power towards the British.
  • British Capture Havana, Manila from Spain

    British Capture Havana, Manila from Spain
    Spain went into the war as an ally with the French. Then then the british beat them. This took place in the waters of Cuba.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was when France gives up it's North American land. Then Spain get New Orleans and Mississippi. All land east of the Mississippi River and Canada goes to England.