french and indian war timeline

  • Iriquois join British-American alliance

    Iriquois join British-American alliance
    The Iroquois or Haudenosaunee(People of the Longhouse)are an indigenous confederacy in northeast North America.They were known during the colonial years to the French as the Iroquois League,later as the Iroquois Confederacy & to the English as the Five Nations,comprising the Mohawk,Onondaga,Oneida,Cayuga,& Seneca.After 1722,they accepted the Tuscarora pupil from the southeast into their confederacy,as they were also Iroquoian speaking,& have became known as the 6 Nations.dont know date
  • George Washington creating Fort Necessity

    George Washington creating Fort Necessity
    On June 4, 1754, during the Seven Years’ War, a 22-year-old lieutenant colonel in the Virginia militia named George Washington begins construction of a makeshift Fort Necessity. The fort was built to defend his forces from French soldiers enraged by the murder of Ensign Joseph Coulon de Jumonville while in Washington’s custody. One month later, the French, led by Jumonville’s half-brother, won Washington’s surrender and forced confession to Jumonville’s murder.
  • The battle of fort osowego

    The battle of fort osowego
    The Battle of Fort Oswego was 1 in a series of early French victories in the North American theatre of the 7 Years War won in spite of New France's military vulnerability.In addition to 1,700 prisoners,Montcalm's force seized the fort's 121 cannons.The fall of Fort Oswego effectively interrupted the British presence on Lake Ontario & removed it as a threat to the French controlled Fort Frontenac.William Shirley,the governor of Massachusetts Bay,the original Fort Oswego was reinforced.
  • William Pitt leading the British

    William Pitt leading the British
    William Pitt the Younger was a prominent British Tory statesman of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. He became the youngest prime minister of Great Britain in 1783 at the age of 24 and the first prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland as of January 1801.He left office in March 1801, but served as prime minister again from 1804 until his death in 1806. He was also Chancellor of the Exchequer for all of his time as prime minister.
  • Massacre at fort william henry

    Massacre at fort william henry
    Fort William Henry was a British fort at the southern end of Lake George, in the province of New York. The fort's construction was ordered by Sir William Johnson in September 1755, during the French and Indian War, as a staging ground for attacks against the French position at Fort St. Frédéric. It was part of a chain of British and French forts along the important inland waterway from New York City to Montreal, and occupied a key forward location on the frontier between New York and New France.
  • Louisbourg & Fort Duquesne captured by British

    Louisbourg & Fort Duquesne captured by British
    The Battle of Fort Duquesne was British assault on the eponymous French fort that was repulsed with bad losses on September 14, 1758 during the French & Indian War.The attack on Fort Duquesne was part of a large scale British expedition with 6,000 troops led by General John Forbes to drive the French out of the contested Ohio Country(upper ohio Valley) & clear the way for an invasion of Canada.Forbes ordered Major James Grant of the 77th army to survey the area with 850 men.
  • The Battle of Quiberon Bay

    The Battle of Quiberon Bay
    The Battle of Quiberon Bay was a decisive naval engagement.fought between the Royal Navy & the French Navy in this Bay,off the coast of France near St. Nazaire.A British group of 24 ships of the line under Sir Edward Hawke tracked down and engaged a French fleet of 21 ships of the line under Marshal de Conflans.The battle signalled the rise of the Royal Navy in becoming the world's foremost naval power,&,for the British, was part of the Annus Mirabilis of 1759.
  • French surrender Montreal

    French surrender Montreal
    The Montreal Campaign,also known as the Fall of Montreal, was a British three-pronged offensive against Montreal as part of the global Seven Years War.The campaign,pitted against an outnumbered and outsupplied French army,led to the capitulation and occupation of Montreal,the largest remaining city in French Canada.Under the overall direction of Jeffery Amherst,British forces numbering around 18,000 men converged on Montreal starting in July from three separate directions.
  • The battle of Quebec

    The battle of Quebec
    The Battle of Quebec was fought on December 31,1775 between ACA forces & the British defenders of Quebec City,early in the American Revolutionary War.The battle was the 1st major defeat of the war for Americans,& it came with big losses; General Richard Montgomery died,Benedict Arnold was injured, & Daniel Morgan & more then 400 men was taken prisoner.The city's Garrison,a motley assortment of troops & army led by their governor,General Guy Carleton,suffered a small number of death's.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris, signed in Paris by representatives of King George III of Great Britain and representatives of the United States of America and Canada on September 3, 1783, officially ended the American Revolutionary War. The treaty set the boundaries between the British Empire in North America and the United States of America, on lines "exceedingly generous" to the latter.Details included fishing rights and restoration of property and prisoners of war.