French And Indian War TIMELINE

  • Period: to

    King George's war

    Conflict over the domination over North america ends with no clear winner with the treaty of Aix la Chapelle
  • Washington builds Ft. Necessity

    Washington defeats the French. And he used a surprise attack. And also builds Fort Necessity.
  • The French attacks

    The French take Ft. Necessity. The people blamed Washington. For losing the fort.
  • William Johnson arrives

    William Johnson arrives at Lac du Saint Sacrament and names it Lake George. Begins work on a fort to later be called Fort William Henry.
  • Declares war

    War gets declared. Against Great Britain and France. And so it starts.
  • Massacre at Ft. William Henry

    1500 British people died. And the Indians surrendered. Or what was left of the Indians.
  • General James Abercrombie

    General James Abercrombie and Lord Howe assemble 16,000 men on the south shore on Lake George. On July 6th the force arrived at the north end of the Lake and proceeded to head towards Fort Carillon (Ticonderoga). They attacked the place on July 8th taking a big number of deaths. The day ended in defeat for the British and a victory for Montcalm defending Carillon. Lord Howe was sadly killed.
  • Almost the end of the war

    British flag is raised over Detroit. Pretty much ending the war. After all these years.
  • Cherokee Indians

    Great Britain makes peace with the Cherokees. It goes very smoothly. And that's a good thing.
  • French and Newfoundland

    The french tries to regain Newfoundland. But it fails. Which is a good thing.
  • Treaty of Paris

    All French places east of the Mississippi, except New Orleans, are given to the British. Also the French places west of the Mississippi are given to the Spanish people. France also gets Martinique, Guadeloupe and St. Lucia again.