French And Indian War Timeline

  • George Washington developing Ft. Necessity

    George Washington developing Ft. Necessity
    George Washington had been made/sent to make Frances evacuation from a area.French refused to leave and George Washington had led a sneak attack on the French.600 French and 100 Indians reached the fort.
  • French take Ft. Oswego

    French take Ft. Oswego
    More than one hundred soldiers were killed after the fort had been surrenderd.The Battle of Fort Oswego was one of the Frenches early victories.The British surrendered 1,700 people including shipbuilders,women.children and laborers.
  • Massacre at Ft. William Henry

    Massacre at Ft. William Henry
    Indian allies attacked the British.They killed many people such as children,women,soldiers,servants,slaves and sick wounded soldiers. Many people suggested that 1,500 people died in the massacre.Even though not likely more than 200 people actually died in the massacre.
  • William Pitt guides the British

    William Pitt guides the British
    William Pitt took over war. William Pitt had a belief North America was reproving England global domination.William Pitt dedicated more troops and was replacing the old war heroes with new ones.
  • Battle of Fort Duquesne

    Battle of Fort Duquesne
    There were many to early attemps to try and take Fort Duquesne.The French set Fort Duquesne on fire and escaped down the Ohio River.Braddock took 1400 troops/groups towards the fort.
  • Battle of Quiberon Bay

    Battle of Quiberon Bay
    After all the rough and really bad fighting the British sank 6 French ships.Sir Edward Hawke got a victory at Battle of Quiberon Bay .400 people were killed in the battle of Quiberon Bay.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    The Americans were suffering from disease, starvation, not having proper supplies and literally freezing in the Canadian winter. Many of General Montgomery's soldiers have continued to destroy the city.However the invasion in Canada did not get off to a good start.
  • French surrender Montreal

    French surrender Montreal
    2,100 soldiers where left to fight.Then after about 3 days they had no choice but to surrender and then the Montreal was in the Britishes hands.The French nearly gave up all the territory.
  • Iriquois join British-American alliance

    Iriquois join British-American alliance
    Iroquois decided to combine/join the war as allies to the British.Thinking the British might be able to win with Iriquois. They convinced four of six nations to h=join in the alliance .
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    After seven years Britain and there colonists had fought with its Indian allies.When signing the treaty Britain had recieved control of all the Frenches possessions even the territory east of the Mississippi River.With Britain in control native Americans feared/faced that colonists would move in their land.