French and Indian War Timeline

  • George Washington creating Ft. Necessity

    George Washington creating Ft. Necessity
    Washington built Fort. Necessity to defend his army against the French army. He did this so he could surprise attack the French and take them down. The French ended up winning the battle but not before Washington caused havoc for them. This started the beginning of the Seven Years' War.
  • British defeated at Ft. Duquesne

    British defeated at Ft. Duquesne
    During the attempted British siege of Ft. Duquesne the French forces humiliated British soldiers by killing almost a thousand of them. While the battle as engaging the British general was mortally wounded and forced the remaining British to retreat or surrender. After the battle the French took control of the Ohio Valley.
  • William Pitt Leading the British

    William Pitt Leading the British
    William Pitt was a member of the British government for roughly 5 years. His plan for winning the war was to take Canada and pay Prussia to fight in Europe. He caused a major tide change in the war which ultimately led the British to victory.
  • French take Ft. Oswego

    French take Ft. Oswego
    The siege of Ft. Oswego was a bloody victory for the French. During the battle the French killed over 100 British men then captured another 1,500 prisoners. Once the French presumed victory they burned the fort to ashes.
  • Massacre at Ft. William Henry

    Massacre at Ft. William Henry
    The massacre at Ft. William Henry was when the Indians invaded, killed and scalped over 1,500 British soldiers. During the battle the Indians took hundreds of prisoners from Canada and held them hostage. The reason behind this attack was the fort was an important waterway for the British.
  • Battle of Carillon

    Battle of Carillon
    The Battle of Carillon took place on the shore of Lake Champlain. More than 2,000 British casualties led to the humiliating defeat of the British. Only 350 French/ Indian soldiers were killed or wounded in the victory. The following year the British took the fort and named it Ticonderoga.
  • Battle of Fort Niagara

    Battle of Fort Niagara
    The British invaded Fort Niagara to try and remove French supremacy in the Great Lakes region. The battle lasted for 20 days until British reinforcements arrived. This helped the British win the battle over the French.
  • Battle of The Plains of Abraham

    Battle of The Plains of Abraham
    The Battle of the Plains of Abraham was a major British victory. The British under the command of Gen. James Wolfe slaughtered more 850 French soldiers on his way to sieging the city of Quebec. Both generals from each side were wounded during the battle.
  • Battle of Quiberon Bay

    Battle of Quiberon Bay
    The Battle of Quiberon Bay was a brutal naval battle. In this battle alone 9 French ships were sunk along with 600 casualties. This battle showed the French that the British navy was indeed the strongest in the world.
  • French surrender Montreal

    French surrender Montreal
    The French surrendered Montreal because they were greatly outnumbered. Over 18,000 British soldiers poured into Canada to take Montreal. Not a lot of French men were killed before they made the decision to surrender the fort and city.