French and Indian War Timeline

By jweav97
  • Period: to

    Aix la Chapelle

    Peace treaty Aix la Chapelle did very little to set matters to the rest of North America
  • Represenatives of the six nations

     Represenatives of the six nations
    Commisioners from Mayland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania meet with represenatives of the six nations.
  • The Lead Tablets

    The Lead Tablets
    Celeron planted lead tablets along the Ohio River inscripted with frances claim to the territory
  • Dicussing land

    Dicussing land
    English and French discuss who will claim what parts of the land
  • Ohio valley

    Ohio valley
    French troops from Canada go south to seize and fortifty the Ohio Valley. Britian protests the invasion, and claims the land for themselves
  • Period: to

    7 year war

  • Capturing Fort William Henry

    Capturing Fort William Henry
    The French led by Montcalm capture Fort William Henry. Following the surrender of Britian. Montcalm's actions angered his indian allies. Indians kill hundreds of British POWs
  • End of War

    End of War
    The war ended in 1759 when british Major General James Wolf captured quebec
  • Peace treaty

    Peace treaty
    French and British sign peace treaty. The british got most of the Fench land.
  • Taxes

    The british began to tax colonists to pay for the war.