French and Indian War

  • End of the French and Indian War

    Description: The French and Indian War comes to an end with the Settlement of Paris, which gives Britain authority over French lands in North America. Colonists' Reaction: New British arrangements caused colonists to end up unhappy after they had to begin with been diminished.
  • Sugar Act

    Description: In an attempt to recover some of its expenses from the French Indian War, the British parliament and the king of Great Britain established the Sugar Act. Colonists' Reaction: It made them upset as sugar was suppose to be enjoyed by all people.
  • Stamp Act

    • Description: The Stamp Act required colonists to buy a stamp for every piece of paper they used, including newspapers and legal documents.
      • Colonists' Reaction: They were on occasion violent. This was seen in a popular tactic used by the colonists in which they would threaten or attack the court appointed stamp commissioners
  • Declaratory Act

    • Description: this statement was to give full rights to rule the colonies.
      • Colonists' Reaction: they were happy that the stamp act was stopped but they still continue protesting and feel fear for more worse laws in the future.
  • Townshend Act

    Description: this act was to charge taxes on the items that were imported into the colonies like paint, paper, teas, lead and glass. Colonists' Reaction: they don't like the act as they had no representation, and they feel like it's unfair.
  • Tea Act

    Description: it is to give rights to the British east India company to sell tea in the American colonies and to take care of the financial instability of the British east India company.
    Colonists' Reaction: The colonists had never accepted the constitutionality of the duty on tea.
  • Start of the Revolutionary War

    Description: the start of the revolutionary war was when American fight for their freedom with the battles of Lexington and concord
    Colonists' Reaction: Colonists began an open war against British rule.