Start of the French and Indian War
1752-1753 Tension grows between France and England over competing land and trading claims. The British fur traders began moving into the Ohio River Valley.http://www.starforts.com/gr/duquesne/duquesnevictory.jpg -
Battle At Fort Dusquesne
April 1754 French and Native American troops seized a fort partially built by the British. They complete it themselves and name it Fort Dusquesne. George Washington, hears of the surrender by the British and builds another small fort, Fort Necessity.http://www.brooklineconnection.com/history/Facts/images/FtDuquesne1.JPG -
Battle at Fort Necessity
· July, 1754 The French and their allies attack Fort Necessity and defeat the British. George Washington is blamed http://www.visitpa.com/sites/default/master/files/styles/profile-slideshow/public/zzdata-3711_730x480.jpgresigns. -
The Battle of the Wilderness
In the Spring of 1754 an army of 2,100 British soldiers and 500 colonial militia commanded by Major General Edward Braddock, set out from Virginia to advance upon and take the French stronghold at Fort Dusquesne. On July 9th, the British forces are defeated neat the Fort and nearly 1000 men are killed or wounded. http://www.revolutionary-war.net/images/200xNxlike-william-howe.png.pagespeed.ic.zSwGt4SiZQ.png -
A route to victory
By 1759, The British captured six French forts. Including Fort Frontenac. The French surrender of this fort, effectively destroyed their ability to communicate with their troops in the Ohio Valley. -
The Treaty of Paris
February 10, 1763
All French posessions east of the Mississippi, except New Orleans, are given to the British. All French possessions west of the Mississippi are given to the Spanish. France regains Martinique, Guadeloupe and St. Lucia.https://www.landofthebrave.info/images/treaty-of-paris-1783.jpg