Attack at Fort Necessity
Washington and his men were on their way to Fort Duquesne when they heard that they surrendered. They built Fort Necessity and shortly after, the French attacked the fort. https://presidentgeorgewashington.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/battleoffortnecessity.jpg -
Battle of Monongahela
General Braddock was sent by the British to go with two regiments to attack Fort Duquesne. George Washington went with Braddock to battle. When the war started General Braddock was shot and died a few days later. The French had won that battle and lead to more defeats of the British. http://66.media.tumblr.com/6d4031b7f188e9e07260b6543d781787/tumblr_ni59avvrK41s57vgxo4_r1_1280.jpg -
Massacre At Ft. William Henry
General Montcalm of the French led his army to Fort William Henry of the British near Lake George. Lieutenant Munro of the British asked for reinforcements when he found out that he was outnumbered by almost 3 times as many soldiers, but his request was denied. http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/lookandlearn-preview/A/A849/A849131-01.jpg -
Battle Of Quebec
British General James Wolfe sailed around the fort for 2 months trying to find a way up the cliff which lay above the St.Lawrence River. One day a scout found a way up the cliff and at night the British secretly climbed up and were ready for battle in the morning. Wolfe died, but the British won and turned into the turning point of the war because they now had Canada. http://www.britishbattles.com/images/quebec/landing-l.jpg -
Battle of Quiberon Bay
This was a battle between the Royal Navy and the French Navy. The British had 24 ships and the French had 21 ships. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5d/Quibcardinaux2.jpg -
Treaty Of Paris
This is the conclusion of the French and Indian War. In the end the British won the war and claimed all the land east of the Mississippi River. They also got Canada. http://revolution.mrdonn.org/the%20treaty%20of%20Paris.jpg