George Washington Gets Called
The conflict in the Ohio River Valley grew stronger. The British and French both wanted the land. French built forts to protect the land. The British were mad and were so desperate that they called a George Washington a 21 year old. http://www.jmarkpowell.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Young-George-closeup.jpg -
The Battle of Fort Oswego
This was a battle of French victories. It was the week of August 10th and 3,000 troops were under the french commander Montcalm and captured many fortifications. The french brought 9 cannons and they shot straight for Fort Oswego. The British surrendered, Colonel James Mercer was struck in the head and died. https://minerdescent.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/surrender-of-fort-oswego.jpg -
Massacre at Fort William Henry
The French tried to storm the Fort and were not successful. The second attempt was an eight day siege and they were very successful. Lieutenant Colonel Monro surrendered to General Montcalm. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/88/Louis-Joseph_de_Montcalm_cph.3g09407.jpg -
British Take Quebec
British General James Wolfe achieved a striking victory taking the capital of New France. British found a secret path and that night Wolfe and 4,000 of his men climbed the cliffs and surprised the French The French awoke and British shot. Both Wolfe and Montcalm died because of the war. This Battle was considered the turning point of the war. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/21/James_Wolfe.jpeg -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris was a proclamation that said the British claimed all of North America east of the Mississippi River. This had ended French power in North America. https://www.ourdocuments.gov/document_data/document_images/doc_006_big.jpg -
Pontiac's Rebellion
The British refused to give the French supplies to the Native Americans. Native Americans attacked the British and destroyed almost every British Fort west of the Appalachians. This event is now known as Pontiac's Rebellion. https://www.warpaths2peacepipes.com/images/chief-pontiac-representation.jpg