French and Indian War

  • End of French and Indian War

    End of French and Indian War
    This war was known as the 7 year war. It ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Colonists were upset because they were now limited on land they could steal from the Indians as well as being left with a large war debt.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    It extended the molasses act by changing the cost of one gallon from 6 cents to 3 cents. Colonists were unhappy because it cut down on the smuggling.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    Declared that all printed material must carry a stamp that had to be paid for. The main people this affected were the people who used paper most frequently. It was also purely for revenue gain.
  • The Declaratory Act

    The Declaratory Act
    Was a result of the repeal of the stamp act stating that even though the Government could tax them at anytime they did not want to. The colonist saw it as a threat to their independence.
  • The Townshend Act

    The Townshend Act
    Created a new type of customs to stop smuggling. The colonist were boycotting goods because of this.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    Offered tax exemptions and rebates on tea coming in from British East India Company even though it was cheaper tea. Colonists were angry on principle because if the could tax some thing as universal as tea then that is showing them they can tax whatever they want.
  • Start of the Revolutionary War

    Start of the Revolutionary War
    British colonists exchanged gun fire in Lexington and Concord Massachusetts