French and Indian War

  • French take Fort Necessity

    French take Fort Necessity
    Fort Necessity was made to protect them from the french. The French destroyed the fort. The French and Indian won Fort Necessity.
  • Washington was blamed for the loss of Fort Necessity

    Washington was blamed for the loss of Fort Necessity
    Fort Necessity was the only time Washington surrendered. People did not want him to surrender. That resulted in them being upset.
  • George Washington creating Ft. Necessity

    George Washington creating Ft. Necessity
    Fort Necessity is the only time George Washington surrendered. About 600 french attacked the fort. George Washington was the one to make Fort Necessity.
  • The Battle of the Wilderness

    The Battle of the Wilderness
    In this battle, nobody won. This battle lasted 2 days. about 17,500 people died in this battle.
  • William Pitt leading the British

    William Pitt leading the British
    William Pitt helped with supplies. He also helped recruit people. His plan was to take Canada.
  • Declarations of War

    Declarations of War
    The British won the war. There were 7 wars. The wars gave them independence.
  • Fort Oswego

    Fort Oswego
    The French won this battle. It helped solve a lot of conflicts. This battle was in New York .
  • Fort William Henry

    Fort William Henry
    This battle lasted from August 3rd-9th. The French won this battle. They still won even though they were low on ammunition.
  • Massacre at Ft. William Henry

    Massacre at Ft. William Henry
    There were rules broken in this battle. The rules being broken angered them. It caused a lot of tension.
  • Louisbourg

    This battle helped them end the link between the french and America. This battle helped a lot. The battle lasted more than 15 days.