The First Battle
George Washington beat the French in a surprise attack. After, George and his men go to build Fort Necessity. By the end they killed 10 French men. www.wikipedia.org -
Battle of Monongahela
This war took place in the beginning of the French and Indian War. General Braddock was leading the British. It was a harsh battle because the French and Indians cornered the British. There were 456 British men killed and 422 wounded. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Monongahela#/media/File:Braddock%27s_death_at_the_Battle_of_Monongahela_9-July-1755.jpg -
Battle of Lake George
The battle was part of the British plan to kick the French out of North America. There were 1,500 people on each side. On the French, Indian,, and Canadian side, Baron de Dieskau was leading. on the British side, William Johnson was leading. https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&ssui=on#q=wikipedia&safe=active&ssui=on -
Treaty of Paris
By the time the Treaty of Paris had started, Britain had claimed all of North America east of the Mississippi River. France gave the land west of the Mississippi to New Orleans and Louisiana. The British stole Cuba and the Philippines from Spain, but exchanged them for Florida. https://ucfsd.instructure.com/courses/16651/files/146661?module_item_id=72945 -
Smallpox at Fort Pitt
The men at Fort Pitt infected the Indians by giving them blankets infected with smallpox from the Hospital. After all of the Indians got sick, they had to surrender. www.wikipedia.org -
Battle of Quebec
The Americans advanced on Quebec in late December with snow on the ground. However the British were ready for their attack. General Montgomery was killed, which forced his men to retreat. www.wikipedia.org