social studies

  • french and indian war

    a war between the french and indians
  • prime minister george wanted to stop smuggling

    an act to stop smuggling
  • proclammition 1763

    some taxes created towards the colonist
  • the sugar acts

    the act for the tax
  • the stamp act

    the act against stamps to make more money
  • plarament repeal

    a try to stop plarament
  • town shed acts

    an act to make tax worse
  • rejection of british authority

    colonist say not to most of the british
  • boston massacre

    red coats murdered 3 people
  • sam adams revives commitee of coraspondance

    a revival to try to stop taxes
  • boston tea party

    colonist threw tea over the docs into the sea water
  • meeting in philedelphia

    red coats fought the colonist
  • Intolarble acts

    a series of laws to make tax worse for colonist
  • minute men

    a milatia ready to fight at any moment
  • british on the move

    british on their way to sam adams
  • more military action

    more fights between the red coats and colonist
  • jefferson writes the doi

  • Battles of Trent and New Jersey

  • congress vote

    it was the second vote for the congress for rights
  • the delcration of Independence

    a contract signed for indpendance
  • american and the british battle of saragota

  • Howe captures Philadelphia

  • Articles of Confederation

    an article made to allow people be able to be the government in their state
  • congress prohibits enslaved people imported from the us

  • Winter at Valley Forge

    a deadly winter when the American soldiers were slowly dying of hunger and cold they couldn't buy food because the money they had was worthless.
  • State Constitutions

  • Manumission

  • John Paul Jones and Serapis

  • Spain Declares war on Great Britain

  • British forces capture Charles Town

  • British surrender at Yorktown

  • Plans for first Fed. Tax

  • Treaty of Paris

  • Spain closed lower Mississippi River to American Western Settlers

  • The Ordinance of 1785

  • The North West Ordinance

  • Shay's Rebellion

  • Convention

  • Signing of the Constitution

  • Delaware first state to approve Constitution

  • New Hampshire ratifies Constitution

    new Hampshire disagrees with the constitution and wants to get rid of it
  • Land Act of 1800