French and Indian War

  • George Washington creating Ft. Necessity

    While the Seven Years War was happening many of the soldiers are sick and injured and they had no experience in war, they are also very low on food and ammo. At the time many of them just wanted to give up. George Washington becomes in command of all the soldiers, unlike the soldiers, he had experience in combat fighting and they all start to get healthier, stronger, and more experienced in combat after George Washington starts to do things differently.
  • Massacre at Fort. William History

    The Native Americans cruelly killed a lot of the British soldiers. After that, they captured a lot of thousands of them. There were more than 1,500 British soldiers killed.
  • William Pitt Leading the British

    William Pitt is a cabinet informal leader while the Seven Year's War. William Pitt enrolled a lot of soldiers and all of the weapons to the local authorities in America. When some soldiers were older or hurt he would change them out with young and healthy soldiers.