Fort Necessity
A survayer named George Washington was told to tell the french to leave Fort Duquesne in Pittsburg. But the French said they were going to stay. Then Washington and his 150 men attacked a French scouting group and killed 10 french scouts. Then Washingtion built Fort Necessity, on low ground. They held the french off until it started raining and the gunpowder got wet and the fort was captured. This little fight was important because this fight is what triged the French and Indian war. -
Albany Congress
The Albany Conference took place in Albany, New York. The conferences purpose was to solve the problem of the French and Indian war. What the conferecnce wanted to unite the colonies and get all six tribes of the Iroquois to be the British allies the first attempt failed. But When the British made William Jhonson the Super Attendent of Indian Affairs he pursuaded the Iroquois to fight with the British. This was important because all the Iroquois were powerful and with them we coould win the war. -
Battle of fort Duquesne
The Battle of Fort Duquense took place in Pittsburg. After fort Necessity the British sent in General Braddock to take control of land in the Ohio Valley and he stated with takeing over Fort Duquesne. General Braddocks battle stradageis were to march in a line wearing bright colors, but the French faught wearing furs as como and hid in the woods. And when the British troops marched by the French they were guned down. The importance of this battle was that the British learned how fight in America -
Batle of Lake Goerge
the Battle of Lake George took place in New York. The British forces were lead by Sir William Johnson, who has never seen battle along with most of the colonists, and his Mohawk friend Hendrick , his men were made up of Mohawk natives and colonists. they were up against the French, Canadians, and the Natives. After a lot of fighting the British won. this was important because they won without the help of the British regulars and thely won a water route. -
Battle of Luoisburg
This battle took place on the mouth of the St.Lawrence river.
This battle was important to win because if they controlled Fort Louisburg the British would be able to control the main water route into the continent and stop all supplies heading twords the french forts on the water and the great lakes . The way the British won that battle is the stopped anything from getting in or out of Louisburg.Eventually the French surrendered after, leaving the british in control of the St.Lawrence river. -
The of Fort Frontenac
This battle was located in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. The fort was also a tradeing post, and provided supplies to other French territories. These were the reasons why it was important for the British to take this fort. The two armies were 3,000 British and Colonial troops against 150 people in the French fort, that includes men, woman, and children. The British won this battle after two days (Aug 26- Aug 28, 1758). -
Battle of Fort Niagara
This battle took place in modern day Youngstown, New York as one of the attempts to push the French out of the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley and thats why it was significant to win this battle. The battle lasted 20 days, it was through July 6- July 26, 1759. Eventually the British won. -
Battle of Ticonderoga(a.k.a Carillon)
In this battle General Amherst marched 1100 British troops to high ground looking down at fort Ticonderoga. Instead of fighting the British the french tried to blow up their own fort. The french were only sucessful at blowing up the inside but the walls had little damage. Therefore the British had won a free fort. This fort was important because this fort was on a water route, wich made it easyer to sen troops and supplies. -
Battle of Quebec
This battle took place on the St.Laurence River in Canada and was one of the most important battles because it was on a river that leads to the Great lakes. That was imprtant because if the British controlled this fort they could send their suplies and troops more esily than by land, they could also stop all French suplies from reaching the French forts.The tradegy that occured in this war was that the British general and the French general were killed in this battle. -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris is what officialy ended the French and Indian War.This treaty took place in Paris and it was important because this is what signed all the land east of the Missippi River to the English. During the treaty the French got all west of the Missippi River and named the land Louisiana and lent the land to the Spanish for helping them in the war, the french also wanted the spanish to keep Louisiana out of the British hands.