French and Indian War

  • Fort Necessity

    Fort Necessity
    Washington surendered at this fort. This is significant because this was the first battle of the French and Indian War. Washington lost the very first battle.
  • War Declared

    War Declared
    The first shots were fired on this day wich sparked the seven years war. Its called this because it lasted for a full seven years. It was the longest battle recorded for that time period.
  • Washingtons troops attacked

    The French and the Indians attacked Washington�s troops who had built a "fort of necessity", killing or wounding one-third of Washington's men after a day of constant firing in heavy rain. Washington surrendered, and on July 4 was allowed to retreat.
  • Fort Duquesne

    Fort Duquesne
    Bradock arived in America in 1755. He was fighting with the british against the french. Instead of winning he lost because the french killed him
  • Lake George

    Lake George
    Lake george was an important event because Johnson and Hendrick won the battle at Lake George. I know they won because the word triumph means that they won.
  • Fort Oswego

    Fort Oswego
    British Fort Oswego surrenders 1,700 prisoners taken, fort is burned to the ground
  • Montrieal surrenders

    Montrieal surrenders
    Montreal surrenders as English army of 17,500 to which Levis only has 2,500