Period: to
French and Indian War
Fort Necessity
Fort Necessity was built by George Washington and his soldiers near Pittsberg, PA. The french attacked and defeated Washington at this fort. This was not the start of the war, the acctual war started 2 years afterword. -
Johnson and Hendrick Triumph at Lake George
This battle took place at Lake George New York.. The british were able to stop the french.This was one of the first brittish victory! Accomplished with no british troops. -
England Decares War
Thius was the official start of the war. -
Battle of Ticondaroga
Battle of Quebec
Battle of Quebec took place at Quebec City, Canada. This event is imporant because the Brtitsh defeated the French. This city allowed the British to block off all French supplies to North America by controlling the St. Lawrance river. -
Treaty of Paris
the treaty of Paris was signed in Paris, France. It was important because England won the war. Officialt ending the war. Gave England all of Canada, florida and the Ohio vally to the Mississippi. Spain got Frances land from the Mississippi to the Rockies. England got control of the slave trade.