Period: to
King George's War
King George's war was a warm-up to the French and Indian War between France and England. it was the third of four french and indian wars. its only succesful large scale action was a major expedition organized my Massachusetts governor William Shirley that successfully besieged the french fortress of Louisbourg in 1745. The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle that ended the war in 1748 restored Louisbourg to France, and failed to resolve any outstanding territorial issues. -
Agitation Grows
Tension grows between the French and English over competing land and trading claims. Minor arguements would come about, especially in the rural areas. -
The First Battle
George Washington performs a surprise attack on the French and defeats them. Him and his troops retreated to Great Meadows and built Fort Necessity -
Washington Resigns
After the French took Fort Necessity George Washington was blamed and he resigned after that and later returned as a volunteer British authority. -
Period: to
The French and Indian War
This is how long the whole entire French and Indian War lasted. -
The Battle of the Wilderness
British General Braddock's forces are defeated near Fort Duquesne in Pennsylvania, leaving the backwoods of British territory undefended. -
The Battle of Lake George
British Colonel William Johnson's forces win, making Johnson the first British hero of the war. The Battle of Lake George was faught int the north of the province New York. The battle was a campaign by the British to expel the French from North America. -
Declaration of War
France declares war on Great Britian and Great Britain declares war on France. -
Fort Oswego
The French capture Fort Oswego along the banks of the Great Lakes. it was an important trading post for british traders in the 18th century. the post was established in 1722. in 1756 the fort was captured and destroyed by the french. -
Fort William Henry
The commander-in-chief of the French forces, Louis-Joseph de Montcalm takes Fort William Henry. The infamous massacre occurs, later dramatized in James Fenimore Cooper's The Last of the Mohicans. -
The British seize Louisbourg, and open the route to Canada. -
Fort Frontenac
The French surrender Fort Frontenac on Lake Ontario, destroying their ability to communicate with their troops in the Ohio Valley. -
British/Indian Peace
The British make peace with the Iroquois, Shawnee, and Delaware Indians. -
The British recapture Fort Duquesne
The Fort was renamed as Pittsburgh -
A Slow Route to Victory
The British take Fort Niagara; the French abandon Crown Point. After these two victories, the British control the entire western frontier. -
The Quebec Battle
The British win the battle of Quebec. Montcalm and Wolfe, the commanding generals of both armies, perish in battle. -
Montreal falls to the British and the letters are signed, finishing the surrender of Canada. -
The Functional End of the War
The British flag was raised over Detroit, efectively signaling the end of the war. -
Peace With the Cherokee
The British make peace with the Cherokee Indians. -
The French Fails
The French fails while attempting to regain the Newfoundland. -
Treaty of Paris
All French possesions east of the Mississippi, except New Orleans, are given to the British. All French possesions west of the mississippi are given to the Spanish. France regains Martinique, Guadeloupe and St. Lucia. -
The Indian Wars
Pontiac, the Ottowa Chief, proposes a coalition of Ottowas, Potawatamies and Hurons for the purpose of attacking Detroit. -
Battle of Detroit
Pontiac's forces lay siege to Detroit. That summer, his allies destroy forts at Venango, Le Boeuf and Presque Isle. -
Men of the garrison at Fort Pitt infect besieging chiefs with blankets from the smallpox hospital. Soon faced with an epidemic, the Indians retreat. -
Pontiac Surrenders at Detroit
Indian power in Ohio Valley is broken.