French and Indian War

  • Washington's Order to Drive Out the French

    Washington departs from Williamsburg, Virginia to Ohio Valley on an order to drive out the French out of their newly built forts.
  • Washington Surrenders

    After recently defeating the French at the Great Meadows, they retaliate and forces Washington and his 400 troops to surrender. Washington is forced out of Ohio Valley.
  • Battle of the Wilderness

    At the Battle of the Wilderness, British General Edward Braddock leads his troops into the woods. There, the French and their Indian allies ambush them and take advantage of the chaos, disorganization, and forest. The British lose that battle.
  • Official Declaration of War

    Britian and France officialy declare war on each other. Prussia sides with Britian, and Austria, Sweden, and Russia side with the French. This is usually called, "The Seven Years War".
  • Grand Defeat

    The British are defeated at Fort Carrillon, even when their forces outnumbered the French four-to-one.
  • Port Captured

    The British capture Louisbourg and this enables them to severely cut off the supply of the French to the interior.
  • Fort Captured

    The British capture Fort Frontenac which allows the British to make supply lines to the French even stricter and difficult to achieve.
  • Attack on Quebec

    General James Wolfe attacks Quebec and loses a little less than 700, while the French lose more than 1,800. In the ensuing battle, General James Wolfe is killed; but the French abandon the city and retreat to Montreal.
  • French Surrenders

    The French in Montreal surrender which was the last French stronghold in North America. They didn't fire a shot when they saw the troops of about 17,500 and they quickly surrendered.
  • French and Indian War Ends

    The Treaty of Paris is signed and the war ends. Though signed on November 3, 1762; its ratification was delayed by critics, including William Pitt, saying that its terms were too lenient; allowing or gentle. In this treaty, many lands are surrendered and taken.