Jan 1, 1534
Hurons and French
The Hurons were the first tribe that the
french had encountered. They had kept in contact the whole time that the French had remained in the Americas. -
French and Abenaki
French explorere Samuel de Champlain encounters many of the Abenaki tribes and establishes links. -
The French and Iroquois War
The French and Iroquoishad a war from 1642-1698because the beavers were dissapearing from Iroquois land. The French were killing them and selling them for their fur. The beavers nearly went extinct before the fur trades moved north. -
Period: to
Shawnee and the French
The Shawnee Traded with the French extensively during this time period.They would trade furs, weapons, cooking supplies, and some French men would marry the Shawnee women. -
Claude-Charles Le Roy and the Shawnee
French trader Claude-Charles Le Roy made the first white contact and established good relations with the tribe. They eventually became one of the most important allies to the French. The tribes plan was to use the French to defeat the British. -
French and Abenaki
Because of the trading and help from the French, when the war was starting, the Abenaki sided with the French instead of the British. -
The French and Lenape
The French and Lenape trade goods for their own wars but once the war started, the Lenape sided with the stronger side, the British. -
Period: to
The French and Lenape
The French and the Lenape Trade goods like weapons, fur, cookware, and more. -
French and Hurons.
The French assisted the Hurons in the war against the Irogouis tribe, because of this, the Hurons sided with the French in their war against the British. -
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French and Indian War
The French and Indian war was a war between the French and British over the land west of the 13 colonies. The Indians were stuck in the middle of it and most tribes chose sides. Most of the Colonists and the British army had faught against the French and Indians that had not sided with them. But eventually some of the Colonists didn't want to fight with the British, they wanted to fight against them! So the British army had two problems to deal with. But in the end, the French had lost. -
Chippewa and British drive out French traders.
British Ousted the French from the Great Lakes region, the Chippewa allied with the British to drive away French Traders. -
Period: to
Chippewa and British drive out the French Traders