French 9.1

  • 1773 Accession of Louis XVI

    1773 Accession of Louis XVI
    He gained power on this day. This was important because they needed a leader. To fight this war. I think this was important because it drove them in the right direction.
  • 1793 Louis XVI killed

    1793 Louis XVI killed
    The French were not doing well with him. They needed a change in a different direction. That was a good choice on their part I think this was the best choice to make by them.
  • France declares war on Great Britain and Netherlands

    France declares war on Great Britain and Netherlands
    They declared war. They felt that they were ready. But they were in crippling debt I think this was a very good choice.
  • Marie Antoinette

    Marie Antoinette
    Marie Antoinette's trial began on 14 October 1793, and two days later she was convicted by the Revolutionary Tribunal of high treason and executed, also by guillotine, on the Place de la Révolution.
  • Famous chemist Antoine Lavoisier, the "father of modern chemistry", is executed for being a traitor.

    They executed him for trading on their side.He switched up and didn't work with them. I think this was a good idea.
  • The Reign of Terror comes to an end as Robespierre is overthrown.

    The Reign of Terror comes to an end as Robespierre is overthrown.
    They felt his leadership wasn't good. So they decided to overthrow him. Then take over.
    I think this was a good choice.
  • Robespierre is executed by guillotine.

    Robespierre is executed by guillotine.
    They overthrew him. So they felt he wasn't a use anymore. Also he would only cause problem. I think this was a ok choice
  • "La Marseillaise" is adopted as the national anthem of France.

    "La Marseillaise" is adopted as the national anthem of France.
    They created this national anthem. The reason they did this is to represent the country. This is a very good idea you need something like this to represent.
  • The Directory is formed and takes control of the government of France.

    The Directory is formed and takes control of the government of France.
    They kind of switch off the government.They needed a change to represent the country. I think this was a good idea and a good change up.
  • Napoleon overthrows the Directory and establishes the French Consulate

    Napoleon overthrows the Directory and establishes the French Consulate
    Napoleon overthrew the government. This was a good change and he was the leader they needed.