Civil Rights Movement Events

  • Jackie Robinson Enters MLB

    Jackie Robinson Enters MLB
    Jackie Robinson becomes the first African American to play in Major League Baseball. Up until then, there had been heavy segregation on the sport.
  • Emmett Till is Murdered

    Emmett Till is Murdered
    A 14 year old boy is murdered for supposedly disrespecting a white woman in her family-owned grocery store. They were found not guilty by an all-white jury.
  • Little Rock Nine Intervention

    Little Rock Nine Intervention
    A group of nine African American students tried to attend a previously all white school, and were not permitted to enter by peers, staff members, and even the National Guard. They were able to safely attend school after the intervention of Dwight Eisenhower.
  • Greensboro Sit-In

    Greensboro Sit-In
    Young African Americans would sit in at segregated establishments and refuse to leave after they had been denied service by the workers.
  • March on Washington/ I Have a Dream Speech

    March on Washington/ I Have a Dream Speech
    The huge march through Washington was to advocate for civil and economic rights for African Americans. Over 250,000 thousand attended the march, it all stopped at the Lincoln Memorial, where MLK gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.
  • 16th St. Baptist Church Bombing

    16th St. Baptist Church Bombing
    The bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church was an act of white supremacist terrorism, and in the process killed four young girls.
  • Freedom Summer Project

    Freedom Summer Project
    A campaign in Mississippi to attempt to get as many African Americans registered to vote as possible.
  • The Selma Marches

    The Selma Marches
    The purpose of the marches that occurred between March 7th and March 21st, was to bring awareness to civil rights issues against African Americans.
  • Black Panther Party is Formed

    Black Panther Party is Formed
    Formed in 1966, the Black Panther Party was formed as a revolutionary political group, who's main focus was armed self-defense.
  • MLK Assassination

    MLK Assassination
    Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated outside of his motel in Memphis, Tennessee.