Freedom of speach

By nhdcyr
  • The First Amendment

    The First Amendment
    The first amendment states ¨Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.¨ This was very important because during the fight against the pmrc vs. Riaa this law was exericed
  • Recording Industry Association of America

    Recording Industry Association of America
    The Recording Industry Association of America known as the RIAA is a recording industry that was founded in 1952. They were against the Parents Music Resource Center. On the side of upcoming artist and artist that were believed to bein the wrong by the PMRC
  • Elivs from the waist up

    Elivs from the waist up
    On this day, Elvis was "Censored" on tv. He was being shown from the waist up because how he was moving his hips. So before the sticker was even mentioned, people already tried to censor singers performing because of their movements.
  • Beginning of Hip-Hop and Rap

    Beginning of Hip-Hop and Rap
    Hip Hop and Rap began in South Bronx in New York. rap music and Hip -Hop is a genre of music in the United States mainly based stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted.
  • The Hearing

    The Hearing
    The PMRC and the RIAA went to court about having the Parental Advisory Sticker put on covers of music to present the content in the songs. Also a man named Dee Snider, known as a singer and songwriter, went to the hearing to represent himself and his music along with others. He explains why the music should not have this sticker, and explain what the PMRC has done.
  • Parent Music Resource Center

    Parent Music Resource Center
    The Parent Music Resource Center is a group of 4 women. Each of them heard a song on the radio with ¨innaporopiate"words and they did not like it. The 4 women were wifes of many important men had a impact on the way music is portrayed in socitey today
  • 2 Live Crew

    2 Live Crew
    The 2 live crew is a hip-hop group that was first known to have the Parental Advisory Sticker.