Freedom from Cambodia

  • free country

    IN 1953 they got there independence from the french union.
  • King

    Sihanouk abdicates father stepped down from king.
  • war

    The Vietnam war starts
  • you did it

    Cambodia found Vietnam guilty of murder.
  • BOOM!

    The us begins to bomb northern Vietnam.
  • GO Now

    Pres nixon ordered that the us troops to invade parrots beak
  • Whats going on around here

    Khmer rouge group ambushed 9 journalist and the were Cambodian, Indian, Japanese, and French.
  • Your not going this way.

    Vietnamese troops stopped the last running rail way
  • The end

    Pres nixon said that the end of the war was in sight.
  • you better watch out

    Cambodia sent there military to do some operations against the Khmer Rouge.
  • No don't do that

    A bomb went of killing 20 people but it was men't for the president of Cambodia.
  • sorry

    The us accidentally dropped a bomb on Cambodia. Killing up to 400 people.
  • Send the money

    Pres ford said that we needed to send the Cambodian government $497million in aid.
  • bye bye

    Cambodia left Vietnam.
  • Move Out Of are way

    vietnamese troops shut down the pol pot protests.
  • Lets have peace

    the u.n wanted to make a peace treaty
  • Let them go

    Khmer Rouge held some sawmill workers hostage then killed them with there own axes.
  • was this karma

    pol pot died