
Free Isn't Fair Social Media Campaign Timeline

  • Defining long and short term goals and resources to achieve goals

    Long term Goal: Pressure Congress to enforce stricter regulations and monitoring on internships
    Short term: Raise awareness about plight of unpaid internships, organize students, recent grads and parents on a national scale to protest unpaid internships,
    Collaborate and form partnernships with similar organizations.
  • Facebook and Twitter pages go live

    Include #freeisntfair , #banunpaidinternships in posts and search for other relevant hashtags on Twitter in order to zero in on other conversations relevant to the cause
    Motivate people with these campaign slogans
  • Contact similar organizations

    Ask to collaborate in order to mobilize more support
  • Attract and engage Facebook and Twitter followers

    Ask people to share personal stories about their internship experience, help foster trust and a sense of community.
    Include logo and hashtag and slogan in each post
  • Begin expanding constituency to attract support

    Contact organizations, career and internship offices of educational institutions
    Define who key influencers may be ( key politicians, celebrities, well known authors...)
    Contact existing clubs at colleges and universatities to promote the cause and future events
    Begin posting information and flyers on bulletin boards, student publications and even community radio
  • Find leaders in pocket communities in order to mobilize more people

    the more diverse the more effective the campaign will be
  • Continue efforts to increase followers

    Create an internship board where interns can ask for advice and share personal experiences
    Make the people who are involved more effective by providing learning experiences and other added resources
  • Ask for crowdsourced material

    Ask followers to submit photos and video narratives about their past internship experiences and what they think would be the best solution
  • Launch Campaign calling for the Congress to pass stricter regulations on internships

    Goal = 10,000 signatures by January
  • Recruit volunteers via social networks

    Ask for volunteers to help solicit donations and to begin brainstorming events.
  • Tweetbomb

    Goal of getting 2000 supporters will hopefully have been met.
    Organize a tweetbomb to Conde Nast, NYTimes and Forbes Magazine asking why they hire unpaid interns
  • Halloween Sit In

    Organize sit-in in front of Conde Nast building or whichever companies refused to respond to the TweetBomb attempt.
    Wear them down.
    Goal = 200 people in NYC
  • Take monthly polls and publicize results

    Goal = 5000 followers
  • Organize another sit-in in front of a major corporation that exploits unpaid interns

    Goal = 500 participants in NYC
  • Meet MoveOn campaign signature goal of 10,000

    So that Congress will perhaps begin to really pay attention/
    Increase amount of donations since such a large number of signatures will legitimize the campaign