the maya empire tropical lowlands -
Dec 13, 1100
aztects a tribe in the 12th century in mexico -
Dec 13, 1100
a clay block used to bulid houses -
Dec 13, 1300
four corners of contry southern utah, southwestern colordo, new mexico also called "ancient ones" -
Dec 13, 1450
prince henry the navigator
duke of vieusa and was an imporant figure in the 15th century -
Dec 14, 1452
christopher coloumbus
litian exploer under catholic of spain -
Dec 14, 1488
bartolomeu dias
a noble man from portuguese was an explorer -
Dec 13, 1492
was a series of wars or battles fought chirstains and musliums -
Dec 14, 1492
columbian exchange
involed plants anmials and was an exchange -
Dec 14, 1497
john carbot
was an litain exploer discoryed parts of north america -
Dec 14, 1515
ferdinand magellan
was a portuguese exploer when to indna -
Dec 14, 1580
john smith
from new england an exploer and author -
Dec 15, 1580
lord batimore
was the frist person to dream of a colony were cathloic and prodancans can co exist -
john winthrop
was a weathly english man -
in europe was a cultural rebirth -
a concoquer especially a spainsh -
royal colony
coloinal were ruled by monarchs -
proprietary colony
was a place where the land was owned by the king -
house of burgesses
the first meeting of the virgina general assembly -
pequot war
was a war with the english and the pequot tribe -
cotton gin
made it easier to make cotton -
henry clay
worked on lots of doctuments and wrote lots of doctuments -
he was cheif of his people and named king phili -
bacons rebellion
was an armed rebellion led by nathan bacon -
king philp war
the frist indian war -
push factor
a flaw or dissest that cause a person to leave or move away -
pull factor
something that makes people want to immagrant to that place -
was an advicer to the president -
iroquous league
"the people of the long house" five iroquois nations -
alexander hamilton
one of the founder fathers -
articles of confederation
doctument of the constitution -
shays rebellion
famers agaist tax collectors -
great compromise
an agerment that large and small states had -
the federalist
advocate supporter -
wiskey rebillion
a tax on wiskey made people rebel -
bicameral legsilative
two legsilative groups -
popular soverity
the peoples vote -
seperation of power
to stop one from having to much power -
checks and blances
a plan to even out power -
erice canal
a canal in new york -
loose contruction
a broad undering of a doctument -
fort sumer
first battle of the civil war -
the start of Fredricksbrugs
major battle
the major battle day of fredricksbrug with 200,000 -
the end of fredricksbrug
constited trench warfare
north tired to cut off the souths supply line
the last battle of the civil -
bsttle of cansrorsville
a suprise attack
stonewall jackson died by a gun shot -
appomattox court house
confedate surrender
was not the end of the war -
the reconstruction of the nation -
15th amendment
the right to vote -
enforment act
enforce the rights of african americans -
a system where a land owner shares part of his land -
black codes
restricted african americans from right -
moving from one region to another -
pedro alvares cabral
millarty leader discory of brazil -
rule of the tenchtitlm -
person sent on a religonus mission -
radical republicans
was a faction of american polics -
offspring of european and american -
spainsh fort millarty settelment -
roger williams
english theolist -
a ruler in authourity in a colony -
anne huchinson
was a spritual advicer was a puritian -
an imporant assiment to be carried out -
northwest passgae
is a sea rounte connecting the northern atlianic ocean to arctic ocean -
is a france sspeaking area in canada -
a written grant by a country -
native amercians that live in virgina -
were early settlelers -
mayflower compact
the frist govering document of pylmouth colony -
reformed paridestians that seeked to reform the church -
a member of reglois socitly of friends -
freedmens bureau
to help poor african americans -
14 amendment
all the people born in the us have rights -
ku klu klan
a socil group of people from the south -
limited goverment
was an idea that was broought on by rebulicans for less goverment -
strick construction
a narrow veiw of a doctument -
john joy
was an american states man -
interchange parts
parts had with a pracical part -
american system
thought by henry clay was tariff and promise