0-3 years [physical development]
From 0-3 years
His muscles started to develop during this time. His bones would also start the progress of hardening. He would also start to follow moving lights. They would also move together. He would also start to learn how to flex and extend his fingers, legs and arms. His digestive system will also develop. He also starts to increase in height aswell as gain weight. -
0-3 years [emtional & social development]
Would start to show simple emotions like smiling. Also he would start to know fimilar faces. At this age he would also starts to secondary socialization as he would be starts nursery. He would also start to getssepration anxiety from parents or carer's. -
0-3 years [intellectual development]
Starts to know righ from wrong. starts to learn to count. can recongnize different colours. language starts to develop as they learn to talk, Gets the ability to sense objects. -
Period: to
john doe
4-9 years [intellectual development]
learn to read and write. Can do finger and mental maths, Are aware of dangers, Communication skills develop. Start to use more of an adults gramma. start to have there on perspective on things. -
4-9years [emotinal& social]
At this age he would start to show many different emotions. He would also be able to start understanding that different people have different views. He would also start secondary socializing and as he would be starting school he would be make more friends. -
4-9years [physical development]
At this age he would start loosing his baby teeth and start to get through adult teeth. He would also get great balance. Also he would have growth spurts. He would also grow in height. As well as gain weight. Also we would get muscle mass. They also have good hand to eye co-ordination. -
10-18years[itellecual development]
At this age go throught primary and high school. So this would mean having exam's such as gcse's. May even start a levels.Start to taken in more information. Would also start to have academic money knowledge. Starts to face adult problems even though there not ready to cope with the situations. -
10-18years [physical]
At this age your body shape starts to change and sweat starts to get chemicals. He would also hit puberity what means sperm produces. At this time there testicles will drop. Starts to get hair. Voice also will break during this time space. -
10-18years [social &emotional]
He would start to have mood swings. He would start to go to high school during this time.So this would mean that he would have a change in places. What may worry him. He would also start to worry about his appearance. Also what other people think of him. For example girls. Start to socializing more as thing expand like start to go to pubs and clubs. -
19-65years [physical]
Muscles would start to stiffen, As well as imuntiy starts to weaken he would start to get more medical problems, Skin would lose's its elasticity as he aged. The body would find it harder to get over things for example illnesse's or falls. Hid hair starts to go grey and thin out. Also he would start to become less mobile. -
19-65years [social& emtional]
Start to work and don't socailize as much with friends. Setting change, Get much more freedom. Also start to have a young family. Start to get there own house. Also become lonely. Also go through love and divorces. There friends may die. Also they become the leader in social networks. -
19-65years [intellectual]
At this age he would be starting to find it harder t take in information. May decide to either take on uni or apply for jobs. They would also could decide to train for work placements. -
65+ [emotional & social]
At this time he wouldn't socialize as much unless they go to care homes for example Day groups or activties. They also could start to be feeling alone as there kids could start making there own families. They also could be greiveing as some of there friends could be in the finally stages of live. They would have more funierals to attend to as some of there friends would be in their finally stage of life. -
65+ [intellecual]
At this age they would start to become more forgetful even though their wisdom would increase. They could retire from there workplacement. They would also wouldnt be able to solve porblems as quick as when they was younger. -
65+ [physical]
They would get wrinkles and skin blemishes. Also joints would become more stiff and become painful. Height would reduce. Muscles would weaken and old muscle power no longer exitists. His balance would also become impaired. Also mobililty becomes impaired. Night verson wouldn't be as good as when they was younger. Also his heart would become less effective.