Elizabeth cady stanton c

Elizabeth Cady Stanton by David Smith

  • The Declaration of Sentiments

    The Declaration of Sentiments
    Elizabeth Cady Stanton helped organize the Seneca Falls Convention. Stanton delivered the Declaration of Sentiments, a document outlining all of the rights women were entitled. This event was a catalyst for the start of the women's rights movement and toward gender equality. https://www.britannica.com/topic/American-Equal-Rights-Association
  • American Equal Rights Association

    American Equal Rights Association
    Stanton, along with Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglas founded the American Equal Rights Association which fought for equal rights for all Americans, including the right of suffrage, regardless of race or sex. This event speaks for itself in that it argues for equal rights for all people. https://www.britannica.com/topic/American-Equal-Rights-Association
  • Not accepting the 15th amendment

    Not accepting the 15th amendment
    In 1869, Stanton and Susan B. Anthony rejected the ratification of the 15th amendment due to the fact that the amendment only granted the right to vote to African American men and not white women. Stanton fiercely advocated for gender equality, and not supporting the 15th amendment due to it not containing language which granted women the right to vote is a direct reflection of the desire for equal rights. https://www.nps.gov/articles/comrades-in-conflict.htm
  • National Woman Suffrage Association

    National Woman Suffrage Association
    Stanton focused on myriad issues related to suffrage after founding the National Woman Suffrage Association and worked at the federal level. Most importantly was women's right to vote. Other issues included Dress reform, Divorce reform, and the temperance movement just to name a few. Working toward granting women's rights in many different causes shows that Stanton was a staunch advocate of gender equality. https://www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/biographies/elizabeth-cady-stanton