Freak Meets Mighty
Max meets Kevin at daycare. http://www.commdiginews.com/business-2/child-daycare-prepare-be-aware-28599/ -
Kevin moves to the Narbiohood
Kevien moves near Max and his grandparents. http://www.thebolditalic.com/articles/6990-will-zoning-laws-kill-sfs-tiny-house-movement- -
Hiden Tresure
Max and Freak go on an advanture and they find the wallet and puress of the Iggy and Loretta Lee. http://www.oxygen-finance.com/portfolio_item/hidden-treasure/ -
Returing Lost Items
Max and Freak return the found tresues to the Lee's and they notice he looks like Killer Kane. http://www.halfwaytonormal.com/2012/10/lost-and-found-an-object-lesson-in-what-we-value/ -
Back to School
Max and Freak go back to school and they are called Freak the Mighty. http://www.amazon.com/Freak-Mighty-Rodman-Philbrick/dp/0439286069 -
Coming Back
Max's father is out from jail. http://themobmuseum.org/events-posts/march-29-courtroom-conversation-controls-prisons/