
  • 1 CE

    Elizabeth is adopted

    The Frankenstein family adopts Elizabeth when she is 4 years old. (p.34)
  • 1 CE

    Beaufort becomes ill

    Beaufort gets sick and ends up dead. (p.32)
  • Period: 1 CE to 24

    Frankenstein Chapters

  • 2


    Victor becomes friends with Henry Clerval. (p.37)
  • 2


    Victor sees a tree get struck by lightning and gets interested. (p.40)
  • 3


    Victor attends Ingolstadt University. (p. 40)
  • 3


    Victor's mom dies and asks him to marry his adopted sister Elizabeth. (p. 43)
  • 4

    Makes lab

    Frankenstein builds a lab and begins to assemble his monster. (p.50)
  • 4


    Victor becomes ill because he doesn't take care of himself while making his monster. (p.51-52)
  • 5


    Frankenstein was born. (p. 56)
  • 5

    Victor is terrified

    Frankenstein was made and Victor is terrified of him. (p.56-57)
  • 5

    Victors Character Development

    Victor goes from interested in something to super obsessed and ill almost.
  • 6

    Clerval is Introduced to the professors

    "One of my first duties ... was to introduce Clerval to the several professors of the university" pg.65
  • 6

    Elizabeth has some concern for Victor

    Clerval writes that indeed you are getting better ... I eagerly hope that you will confirm this" pg. 62
  • 7

    Alphonse's Letter

    Victor receives a letter from his father telling him about the of Victor's younger brother. Henry then looks at the letter and wonders what Victor should do next. (pg 69-71)
    "William is dead! that sweet child, whose smiles jelighted and warmed my heart, who was gentle, yet so gay! Victor, he is murdered!" (pg 69)
  • 8

    Trial Of Justinie

    Justine admits to being guilty of killing william. " Justine was called on for her defence. As the trial proceeded, her countenance had altered "
    pg 79
  • 9

    Victor Finds Comfort with Nature

    "My wanderings were directed towards the valley of Chamounix" pg.90
  • 10

    Creature Convinces Victor to Hear his Story

    "I demand this from you. Hear my tale; it is long and strange, and the temperature of this place is not fitting to your fine sensations; come to the hut upon the mountain." (Pg. 97)
  • 11

    The monster finds the family

    "The family, after having been thus occupied for a short time, extinguished their lights and retired, as I conjectured, to rest." Pg. 104
  • 12

    Understanding the human nature

    Upon seeing the family, he begins to question why they act the way they do and why they seem unhappy.
    "They were not entirely happy." (Page 105)
  • 13

    The Monster Learns the Language

    "While I improved in speech I also learned the Science of letters as it was taught to the stranger, and this opened before me a wide field for wonder and delight." (Page: 113)
  • 14

    Frankensteins Monster tells about how Safies father was sentenced to death.

    "The father of Safie had been the cause of their ruin... for some reason which I could not learn, he became obnoxious to the government" (p.117)
  • 14

    Victors Character Development

    Victor was obsessed with the monster and now wants nothing to do with it. He didn't really learn his lesson because he is willing to make the monster a companion just so the monster will leave.
  • 15

    The Monster Reads

    Th monster comes across books and tells Victor how he feels and what he learned. pg 122-124
  • 16

    Monster kills William

    The monster gets angry at William for mentioning victors fathers last name. Since the monster is outraged he strangle and kills william. pgs 135-136
  • 17

    Monster wants companion

    The monster is lonely and demands a companion from victor. Victor agrees to make him a friend as long as he leaves to South America and never returns. pgs 138-139
  • 18

    Victor admits to loving elizabeth

    Victors father was worried that victor didn't love Elizabeth anymore since he's been so distant. Victor states to his father that he still does and there is no reason to be worried. pgs 143-144
  • 19

    Victor leaves to make a new monster

    Victor leaves so he can create the monsters companion. He chooses Scotland because there is not that many people there. pgs 156-157
  • 20

    Victors Development

    Victor has finally gained some common sense and decides to not make another monster. He realized the danger the first monster is causing and doesn't want double.
  • 20

    Victor destroys new monster

    Victor decided it was no longer safe for him to go through with his promise to the monster. He decides to destroy the new one breaking his agreement. pg 159
  • 21

    Victor is no longer convicted of murder

    "I soon learned that Mr.Kirwin had shown me extreme kindness. He had caused the best room in the prison to be prepared for me" (Pg. 170)
  • 22

    Victor is the only one who knows that the monster killed

    "I am the cause of this- I murdered her. William, Justine, and Henry- They all died by my hands." (Pg. 176)
  • 23

    Victor Talks

    "He had heard my story with that half kind of belief that is given to a tale of spirits and supernatural events: but when he was called upon to act officially in consequence, the whole tide of his incredulity returned." (Pg 190)
  • 24

    The creature is mad and tortures victor

    "Do you think that I was then dead to agony and remorse?" (pg. 208)
  • 25


    The monster gets sad and lonely without his creator alive anymore.
    "But soon I shall die, and what I now feel be no longer felt." (pg. 211)
  • 26

    Victors final development

    Victor is now extremely full of regret since the monster is killing everyone he loved. Victor also ends up dead.