Mar 16, 1471
Period: Mar 16, 1471 to Jun 26, 1541
Francisco Pizzarro
Aug 29, 1513
First exploration
Pizarro entered the exploration of Nunez de Balboa across the Isthmus of Panama to explore and discover the Pacific Ocean.
https://www.history.com/topics/exploration/francisco-pizarro -
Nov 1, 1520
2nd Exploration
Joins Espinosa on his expedition into the present day Republic of Costa Rica
(Unknown Day) https://exploration.marinersmuseum.org/subject/francisco-pizarro/ -
Nov 1, 1522
Pizzarros expedition
Pizarro receives funding to create his own expedition and explore the land south of Panama. Pizarro only ends up reaching the coast of Colombia but finds a small quantities of gold (Unknown Day) https://www.pbs.org/conquistadors/pizarro/pizarro_a00.html -
Nov 21, 1528
Spanish investors permission
Pizarro received the backing of Spanish investors to make further expeditions into South America and search for treasure. He received two ships for the voyage.https://www.biography.com/explorer/francisco-pizarro -
Mar 10, 1529
Exploring southern Colombia
Pizarro explored southern Colombia as far as Ecuador was reaching Peru https://www.britannica.com/biography/Francisco-Pizarro -
May 10, 1529
Emperors agreement
Emperor Charles of Spain granted Pizarro permission to make further expeditions. He was given the title and role of Governor and Captain General which carried complete authority over in all the territories he might discover. https://www.emperorcharlesv.com/charles-v-world/the-new-world/ -
Jan 18, 1530
Going further expedition
He went by boat from Seville in Spain to Panama. https://books.google.com.eg/books?id=ucTkZRyJN6EC&pg=PA67&lpg=PA67&dq=seville+to+panama+pizarro&source=bl&ots=EZ77UT9xo3&sig=ACfU3U3JX4ljYyK-_WXRlcV8BlmpDI-wmA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjItJTw0snoAhVNzBoKHXmrBmUQ6AEwBHoECAsQLQ#v=onepage&q=seville%20to%20panama%20pizarro&f=false -
Huge force of ships and men
Sailed from the port of Panama with 3 ships and on top of that he went with 200 men, including Hernando De Soto. (1531) https://books.google.com.eg/books?id=xZyOAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA954&lpg=PA954&dq=PIZARRO+200+PEOPLE+SHIP&source=bl&ots=dk3ceSSP3N&sig=ACfU3U3b-Qz-IFRrTfpfKDGFjHOeKGuRXg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6pPSy0snoAhVDXxoKHV0XBmQQ6AEwFnoECA8QLg#v=onepage&q=PIZARRO%20200%20PEOPLE%20SHIP&f=false -
San Mateo
Landed at San Mateo Bay and started to explore the land. (1532) https://franciscopizarro3.weebly.com/travels.html -
Nov 15, 1532
The capturing of Atahualpa
Pizarro reaches Cajamarca and captures Atahuallpa, who was the emperor of the Incas.From the capturing thousands of Incas were killed. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/pizarro-traps-incan-emperor-atahualpa -
Aug 29, 1534
Atahualpa offer
Atahualpa offers a massive ransom for his release. The Inca Emperor had offered his captives enough gold to fill the 22 foot room, as high as he could reach, in which he was held captive. The treasure ransom was collected. Pizarro and the Spanish took the treasure and then had the last of the Inca Emperors strangled. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/pizarro-traps-incan-emperor-atahualpa -
Jan 6, 1535
City of the kings
Pizarro founded Lima, Peru which he called Ciudad de los Reyes meaning 'City of the Kings'. Francisco Pizarro destroyed the Incan capital of Cusco. https://franciscopizarro3.weebly.com/travels.html -
Jun 26, 1541
"Pizarro was assassinated by followers of Pedro de Almagro (Cortes' captain) who wanted to seize Lima for its wealth. Francisco Pizarro died at Lima, Peru." https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/conqueror-of-the-incas-assassinated