Goya 2

Francisco de Goya

  • La duquesa de Alba de blanco

    La duquesa de Alba de blanco
    This painting belongs to a particular person, therefore, it is not exposed in any museum.
    This type of art is a portrait of Duquesa de Alba who was an important aristocratic person. Is remarkable her white dress and the limited colors that we can find in the painting.
  • La maja desnuda

    La maja desnuda
    We can find this painting in the Museo del Prado, it is one of the first pieces of Goya and it took him three years to paint it (from 1797 to 1800).
    After this, Goya painted "La maja vestida", which is the same woman with a white dress.
  • Fusilamientos del 3 de mayo

    Fusilamientos del 3 de mayo
    This painting is located in Museo del Prado (Madrid). It belongs to romanticism beacause it`s inspired in violent scenes and it represents drama with the aim of cause feelings on people.
    Goya tried to explain the war between the spanish people and the french ones. At the beggining of the Spanish Independence War.
  • Saturno devorando a su hijo

    Saturno devorando a su hijo
    This painting was in the Museo del Prado and belongs to romanticism too.
    It is related to the greek mithology because this painting represents Saturno, who was the agriculture God, eating his son. Also, it belongs to a serie of Goya which is called "pinturas negras".