Francis Parker Yockey

By momcilo
  • Wrote an article in Social Justice

  • Obtains Law Degree

  • Enlisted into Army

  • Period: to

    AWOL in Army

    Went to Mexico to meet a German Contact
  • Marries Alice MacFarlane

  • Honorable Discharge

    Acted like he was crazy
  • Period: to

    Working in Nuremberg Trials

  • Goes to England to meet Mosley et. al.

  • Yocket gets on FBI watchlist

    Gerald L. K. Smith’s Christian Nationalist Party in June 1950, in St Louis. Was only speaker to get a standing ovation.
  • Yockets meets Maurice Bardèche

    Winter of 1950/1951
  • In Naples trying to organize Fascist confrence

  • Yockey in Canada to meet Egidio Boschi and Arcand

  • Speech for McCarthy written

    Allegedly they met
  • Back in the USA

  • In Cairo working as a propagandist for Nasser with other ex 3rd Reich members