Period: Jan 22, 1561 to
Francis Bacon: 1/22/1561-4/9/1626
While not the only one involved in the creation of the "Scientific Method", Sir Francis Bacon is considered the pioneering force to its conception. The Scientific Method came about between 1625-1635. Up to the time of Francis Bacon, deductive reasoning, posed by Aristotle, was the primary method used to explain scientific events. Sir Bacon championed the inductive reasoning (FamousScientists). -
Period: Jan 22, 1561 to
Francis Bacon: 1/22/1561-4/9/1626
Deductive reasoning is a type of top-down logic that first looks at a general rule then works its way to the specifics. Inductive reasoning, a bottom-up approach, first looks at the specifics then works its way to the general rule. While the Scientific Method was not the only major accomplishment of Sir Francis Bacon, it was one of the most long lasting contributions made by him. -
Period: Jan 22, 1561 to
Francis Bacon: 1/22/1561-4/9/1626
Another significant contribution by Sir Francis Bacon was his "Novum Organum" (The New Tool) published in 1620 as a part of his Instauration Magna series. The new tool, which became known as the Baconian Method, was widely received by the science community and served as the precursor for the aforementioned Scientific Method. This book highlights the fallacies of Aristotle's pure deductive reasoning method and highlights and supports inductive reasoning (FamousScientists). -
Period: Jan 22, 1561 to
Francis Bacon: 1/22/1561-4/9/1626
While the validity of the scientific method is debated heavily today, it would be naive to say that Bacon's scientific method does not play a large role in scientific advance today. Nor would it be a stretch to say that the scientific method will persist for decades to come. Work Cited: "Francis Bacon." Famous Scientists. famousscientists.org. 1 Dec. 2015. Web. 4/9/2017