1st telegraph in Mexico City
French second republic ends
Napoleon III was crowned
Santa Anna sold "La Mesilla" to USA
Haussmann redesigns Paris
National Anthem sung for the 1st time
1857 Constitution was promulgated
Thee constitution of 1857 was promulgated -
The bank of France
Creation of the bank net. “Crédit industriel et commercial”
"Leyes de Reforma" church´s property
Juarez suspended foreign debts
2nd empire with Maximiliano de Habsburgo and Carlota
Creation of the “Union monetaria Latina”
Railroads routes for a better comerce/transportation (Mexico)
Inauguration of the Suez Canal
Porfirio Díaz new president of Mexico
Franco Prussian war started
Diego Rivera was born
Eiffel Tower was finished
Dreyfus Affair