
France and Britain clash

  • 1700's

    George Washington, fought as a millitary officer, against the Britishfor for control the land west of the appalation mountains.
  • Period: to

    france and britian clash

  • 1722

    tuscarora (included 5 nations -mohawk, seneca, caygua, onondaga, and oneida )joined the iroquois confederacy.later more groups of native americans joined or were conquered by irogouis.
  • hostility between France and Britian

    hostility between France and Britian
    hostility between france and britian began because they were competing for wealth and empire in different parts of the world.british intrests turned to the ohio vally. the freanch comsitered it there own. british fur traders built a fort (pickawillany) in witch the freanch atacked and drove out the freanch.freanch towns also started raiding towns in maine and new return british took inportant friench fortress in louisborg. much to new englands discust britan returned louisburg to france
  • mid 1700's

    mid 1700's
    iroquois stayed independent untill the mid 1700's then iroquois became presured by freanch moving into ohio valley.reluctantly they gave trade rights to the british and became their allys
  • 1754

    Dinwiddie sent washington back to ohio with a militia of 150 men.they were to build a fort but found that the freanch already had a fort there .
  • 1753

    govenor robert dinwillie sent (22 year old )george washington to tell the freanch that they were trespassing on great britans land . the freanch said "it was there ablsoute desighn to take possesion of the ohio ,and by gods they would do it"
  • 1754

    represenatives from colonies met in albany ,new york, to disuss the threat of war .they wanted a way to diffend themselfs against the freanch