Period: to
France and Btitain clash
france and britain
In the 1700's britain and france were twon of hte strongest powers of Europe. -
france and britan
The tuscarora joined the confederacy and after that the English referred to the confederacy as the six nations. -
britain and france
The hostility between the two forces grew. The french attacked pickawillany and drove the british traders out of ohio. -
britain and france
The governor Robert Dinwiddie of Virginia sent George washington into ohio. His m,ission was to tell the french that they were trespassing on the land that great britain had claimed. -
france and britain
sevral colonies met in albany new york to discuss the threst of war they wanted to find a way to defend themselves against the french colonys. They also wanted to persuade the Iroquis to support the british people. -
france nd britain
A small force of colonial soldiers led by young George Washington, fought the french in what is todsy western pennsylvannia -
france and britan
Dinwiddie Made Geaorge Washinton a lieutenant colonel. then washinton was sent back to ohio with a milita of 150 men to build a fortb where the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers meet to form the ohio river. they arrived to finf the french already building a fort.