Great Britain and France have a policy of appeasment for Germany
Great Britain and France allow Germany to take land from Sudenten, in order to leave any Czechoslovakia land. This impacted Albert Camus because he was living in France at the time and if France didnt do this they could have had war started and I think that he was very scared at this time and it refelected that in his book. -
Last Public Guillotining
This is the last public guillotining in France. The last person that was murdered was a man named Eugen Weidmann. I think this influenced Albert in writing his book because there was many killings that were being publicly shown and the book has a dark feeling to it. Also it is all about death so i think that all the killings influenced this book. Since this as the last killing so i think it did help lightin up the book a little bit. -
France declared war on Germany
France has officaly declared war on Germany on this day. The book that Albert writes about is a very depressing and dark book. I think that being in war with another country has contributed to the book being so depressing and dark. -
Camus married Francine Faure
In 1940 Albert married Francine. He was very happy with his second wife, they even had kids. It was a very happy time in his life. I think that getting re married helped put i tinny bit of hope into his characters. Without this marriage I think the book would be even more depressing and more dark. -
Battle of France begins
The battle of France was a succesful invasion of the Germans into France. I think that this influenced Albert in writing his book becasue the place where he was living is starting to be taken over. Which puts a dark and errie feel into the book. -
Paris is bombed by the Luftwaffe for the first time
On this day the city of Paris gets bombed by the Luftwaffe. The Luftwaffe are an areal warfare branch of the Germans. I thinl that this had a big impact on the way Albert wrote this book. It had an impact because where he was living and writting his country was being bombed and many people were dying. His book is about death and murder and that is what is happening in this bombing. -
Italy decalers war on France and the UK
On June 10th of 1940 France becomes involved in a war with Italy. Italy declared war on both France and the UK. I think this is influneced in the book because his own country is now in a war and that is very frightning and sad. The book has a very sad feeling to it so i think this is a reason for it. -
Paris falls to Germany
Paris has now just fallen under Germanys comand. That is a very sad and scary moment in Frances history becasue Paris is the biggest city in France and if it just got taken over by the Germans what could be next? This has impacted the book because there is some very scary parts in the book that you feel for the characters and it defenitly has many sad moments in it. -
The United States grants Lend-Lease to the Free French
The Lend-Lease was signed by the French. It is from the US that states that we will give the French food, oil an other material in return for bases in Allied territory. I think that this impacted the book because this gives a little hope that France will be alright and in the book the characters have a little bit of hope. Not a lot just a little. -
116 people were killed
116 French people were killed by the Germans because the French were trying to attack the Germans. I think that this helped tie the whole book together because it might have given Albert the idea to make the main character murder someone. It might have helped him also create a depressing eeling to the book