Four Wheeler

  • Four Wheeler

    Four Wheeler
    The first four wheeler was a Bayou 185. Which is made by Yamaha
  • Honda

    Honda made the early trx 200x in 1987 improvements have been made since.
  • Suzuki

    Suzuki made their first race quad 25 years ago!!!! Which was also a two stroke.
  • Raptor 250

    Raptor 250
    This bike was made for racing for kids 16 under. these bikes have many parts you can buy for it. these bike go 60mph stock.
  • Kawisaki

    Kawisaki made the kfx for racing and trail riding much like the warrior made by Yamaha.
  • Can Am

    Can Am
    Ds made a mean race quad threw out 2011 till present day.
  • Yamaha

    Yamaha made the first quad in 67 also have been producing more advanced quads.
  • John Natalie

    John Natalie
    Natalie improved his quad by a lot by big bore kit and lots of after market parts.
  • Racing

    Racing put a huge impact on the quads as in after market parts and assesoies. big bore, nerf bars,handle bar brands, and more.
  • Suspension

    The early Lt's had no suspension then they came out with air shock then gas shocks.