278 pages- 6 chapters and a Preface and Notes
Historical Revolution Non-fiction -
1-20( 357)
Preface- The background information of what all the founding fathers thought about revolutions. Thomas Paine tought that it was common sense for island not to rule over a continent. After America won the war and its independence from great Britain, Mnay traeties were signed, one of which being the treaty of Paris, in honor of the subsatncial help France gave them. -
Chapter 2;" The Duel" at Weehawken NJ July 11, 1804. One of the most famous duel in American history where both men left casulties, Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. At ten paces the men fired, Hamilton was struck on his right side. though Burr left unharmed, his reputaion from that day on was tarnished. From his grandfather the great theoligion of human deprivaty. Hamilton had no intension of firing a weapon, but like Burr he brought along a possy. -
Beginning of Chapter 2; The Dinner
The dejected Alexander Hamilton confides in Thomas Jefferson waiting outside President Washington's office to announce his resignation of the position of secratary of treasury. The only historical accounts of these happenings were held by Thomas Jefferson. He held a dinner between Alexander Hamilton and JAmes Madison, who had accompanied Hamilton in his death( this story goes from later on to beginning). -
The end of Chapter 2; The Dinner.
Brief Overview- inside look at a secret dinner meeting between Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison, during which the permanent capital was exchanged for the passage of Hamilton’s financial plan for the heavily in debt colonies.
After this meeting was held two very important Bills were passed; the Residence Bill and the Assumption Bill
In which restricted any British soldiers to walk on American soil with any rights. Also allowed landpurchase -
Chapter 3; The Silence and the the beginning of Chapter 4; Farewell;
One of the most debated things in American history; Slavery. The argument which seemed so impossibly far away for many, was first brought up. Many arguments were made in the room including, how the bible and constitution both support slavery, how in the constituion it states that abolishment of the slavery couldn't be brought up til 1809. Chapter 4 starts off with great description of Benjamen Franklin(he's died) and the super -
continuation of the past entry
the only superior patriot was, George washington. Then it goes in depth of the great things Washington has done including standing on top of a roof, while artillary was being fired at him, just to get a good look at the battle field and to see the follow- through of the battle plan. Farewell stands for the letter in which washington had adressed to the American people that he was to retire for presidency after his second term( the second term amendment hasn't een created yet). -
continuation of last event.
As charter members of the "Band of Brothers" of '76, they had worked closely together in Philadelphia, Paris, and London, despite their profound political and ideological differences. They gained fame as a team. Adams' revolutionary credentials were unbeatable. He was sent to Harvard to become a minister, but turned to law. His marriage in 1764 to Abigail Smith and the Stamp Act of 1765 changed his life's course: he stepped forward to lead the rebellion to British policy. -
The end to chapter 4; Farewell, and chapter 5 The Collaboraters.
Washington announces he will not run for a third term, so there will be the first presindential race in American history in which both canidants have a chance to win. Chapter 5-
The political parties that began congealing during Washington's second term were tested in the election of 1796. It was assumed that the candidates would be "the odd couple of the American Revolution," John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Continued on next. -
Chapter 6 and all the notes/citations to the facts that Joseph Ellis used for this book. Chapter 6;The Friendship- Adams left the Presidency at age sixty-six and carried with him back to Quincy, MA, a soul filled with vengeance. Hamilton topped his list of enemies, followed by Jefferson, for whom the hate was less but the hurt greater. In 1804, Jefferson's youngest daughter, Maria Jefferson Eppes, died during childbirth, and Abigail wrote a touching letter of condolence. Continued on nextslide. -
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The usually astute Jefferson misjudged her intention and took it as an opportunity to resume their friendship.Reviewing his long collaboration with her husband, he stated only once had he felt personally offended — when the lame duck President appointed Jefferson's long-time enemy John Marshall as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The True split between Republicans and Democrats was this relationship. The first real presidental race, with two equaly capable parties.The revolution will (continu -
will truly always be the event that America will always know and learn, but the events preceding can sometimes be overlooked in importance. Things that happened after that histotic victory over Britain have shaped America in ways that affect us to this day. Politiacl parties,(republican and Democrat to be exact), the two term rule in which wasn't actually created until Amendement 22 in 1951, after FDR had been elected to 4 terms. The founding Fathers were truly teh Founders of America.