Foundations of law

  • Period: 1792 BCE to 1750 BCE

    Hammurabi code/rule era

    starting in 1792 BCE Hammurabi was king of Babylon. during his time as king, Hammurabi created a law code known today as Hammurabi's code. this code covered almost every area of life including crimes, farming, business activities, and marriage and the family. they had very brutal punishments back in this time eg. "if anyone steal the minor son of another, he shall be put to death.". because of this code, we have laws for almost anything.
  • 565

    Justinian code

    Justinian code
    in about 565 A.D Justinian the 1st realized that the great Roman Empire that he tried to emulate had really messy laws. he decide to organize and simplify these laws. Justinian chose 10 men to review 1,600 books of Roman law and create a simpler legal code. many of the laws in Justinian's code reflected The point of view of his wife, Theodora. because of this, we have laws that show gender equality as well as " innocent until proven guilty". a consequence in this code would be a high fine.
  • 1066

    common law

    common law
    king established a team of judges that would roam the country settling cases. the judges relied on previously made laws and decisions to help them make decisions, this was called case law which is used in common law. judges decisions could be appealed to the monarch.
    this allows everyone, including the defendant to predict what may happen. common law is still used today.
  • 1066


    The king owns the land, he divides it between his lords, lords divide their share between the commoners. lords would independently decide how to deal with their commoners. caused inconsistencies between punishments.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    a text reading that everyone, even the king, has to obey the law and kings can't abuse his subjects or remove their rights by any means. was the first text saying the king and his government was not above the law.
  • French Civil Code

    French Civil Code
    Napoleon found that different legal systems controlled different parts of the country. he commissioned a new modern law set that was a compromise between the past and the revolution. Enacted on March 21, 1804, the resulting Civil Code of France marked the first major revision and reorganization of laws since the Roman era. The Civil Code addressed mainly matters of property and families. The Civil Code eliminated feudal and royal privileges in favor of all citizens’ equality before the law.
  • Great law of peace

    Great law of peace
    this was the joining of the Seneca, Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga, and Mohawk to create the Iroquois Confederacy. it is called the great law of peace because it was a joining so the could stop wars between the 5 nations.