Initiate Literature Review
All of the relevant literature will be reviwed regarding threat assessment, threat assessment on campus, threat assessment teams, threat assessment training, and threat assessment protocol. This to include Education Advisory Board custome research reports. -
Period: to
Foster - Internship Proposal
Foster - Internship Proposal -
Peer review
Review practices at similar institutions as well as practices at institutions with industry recognition in the literature for having excellent teams and protocol in place. Peer review to include phone or Skype consultations with select institutions. Include non-highed ed institutions such as governmental entities and large corporations. -
Draft literature and best-practice matrix
Create a table, chart, or spreadsheet of the promising practices and literature recommendations that align with campus goals. -
Team Review of draft matrix
Convene with vice president, director of public safety, and director of counseling (threat assessment oversight group) and share the matrix and early findings Revise matrix and conduct additional research based on feedback. -
Develop behaviroal analysis rubric
This document will allow professionals to quickly analyze behavior and determine the type and severity of a reported threat. This will serve as a core document for threat assessment team. Literature, best practices, and campus staff will assist in shaping. -
Mid-way consult with VP
Develop response protocols
Protocol documents will be created for specific types of issues that can be expected on a campus. These documents will serve as the core material for the campus threat assessment team. -
External consult
Review current drafts of literature matrix, behavioral analysis rubric, and protocols with external expert on threat assessment and/or behavioral analysis. Incorporate feedback. -
Develop training materials and plan
Campus training will be a critical element in the success of the threat assessment team. A broad, wide-reaching plan for 2013-14 training will be developed including faculty, staff, and students. -
Team Review
Final meeting with campus team to review materials and proposed model. Feedback incorporated. -
Plan finalized and submitted
Final matrix, rubric, protocol, and future directions will be submitted to VP for acceptance and implementation for 2012-13 academic year.