

  • the first fossil

    the  first fossil
    The first fossil of History: "Scrotum Humanum"
  • Homo neanderthaliensis

    Homo neanderthaliensis
    The first remains of Homo neanderthaliensis by Johann Fuhlrott
  • Homo heidelbergensis

    Homo heidelbergensis
    El primer fósil de esta especie fue descubierto en Heidelberg, Alemania.
  • Australopithecus africanus

    Australopithecus africanus
    He lived 2-3 million years ago in South Africa
  • fossil remains of hominid skeleton "Lucy"

    fossil remains of hominid skeleton "Lucy"
    on November 24, 1974 in the hills of Afar, Ethiopia
  • nest of young

     nest of young
    remains of undinosaur breeding
  • Were do we can find fossils?

    Were do we can find fossils?
    The fossil was found in El Chango, Chiapas. He lived 90 million years ago
  • Mammoth remains in Galeana, Nuevo León

     Mammoth remains in Galeana, Nuevo León
    bone remains of a mammoth that would have been about 10,000 years old were found in the San Rafael ejido