My Timeline as an Instructional Designer

  • 20th Century: Foundations of Experiental Learning

    This theme is significant in my journey because, throughout my career, I have learned a lot of things by observing how users behave and react to content. That way, it allows me to reinforce the behaviour by giving rewards towards learning. By B.F. Skinner and John B. Watson
  • 20th Century: Foundations of Experimental Learning

    20th Century: Foundations of Experimental Learning
    Constructivism: (Lev Vygotsky)
    Through experimental learning, this learning style helps build knowledge on a hands-on experience or by doing. This relates more to me because, as a facilitator, one of the approaches I take when training people is "Tell-Show-Do". With this approach, I talk about a particular tool, show how it works, and then allow participants to try it out until they get it right.
  • 21st Century: Adaptive Learning

    21st Century: Adaptive Learning
    Connectivism: (Stephen Downes)
    This learning style works best when you collaborate and learn from each other by exchanging ideas. It is a peer-to-peer type of learning style where you gather small chunks of information through some shared experience or discussions through social media and digital networking.