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The begin of fortnite
Fortnite began being the typical game of following the history, with its game mode Save The World. This game mode consisted in playing alone or with your friends and completing some challenges to earn award like V-bucks (games coin). Apart of this, there was a daily reward which gave you the want to play. But the really special thing of this game, was the ability of build. -
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season 1 and 2
In the first two seasons the people who played fortnite battle royale were new players so their level was so low and it was too easy to win a match if you spend few hour a week to that game. This game was attractive because it had more colourful graphics and this made to children being attract of this game. -
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season 3
In the beggining of this season, fortnite started being a very popular game and the company Epic games, having known about that, began creating some events to encourage people playing that game. And of course to pay for have some new skins in the game. -
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season 4
The first day of that season, a huge meteorite had fallen in the centre of the map and this meteorite destroyed the part of dusty depot, the most famous part of the map and in which a quarter part of the people used to fall. With this big change, that players start falling in differents parts of the map or in the new dusty depot. -
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season 5
This was the season in which the map had received the most cuantity of changes in all the first charapter. They created a new zone in the map wich was a big desert. They made the famous Fortnite world cup and the winner, bugha, had won a 3 millions pounds award by winning that world cup. He was a 16 years old boy and he made his family rich playing a videogame. -
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season 6
this season they made a big change in the map. They put some zombies respawns in all the cities. When you kill this zombies you received some especial guns and objects. -
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season 7 and 8
in this 2 season they introduce 2 new transport, the light plane and the boloncho and the second one had changed a lot the competitive of the game. The people level was increasing and the boloncho was a transport in which you don't received any damage and you could move very fast. This vehicle was changed in the next update but a lot of people cualified to important tournaments with this object. -
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season 9 and 10
In this two season they put a new shoutgun in the game and in two weeks this combat shoutgun was in the goal of the game. With the fail of the bolonchos and the shoutgun a lot of players began playing another games like apex legend or minecraft. -
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season 1 chapter 2
In this season they created a new map and a lot of new cities, in this season they gave a lot of oportunities to new competitive players. I included myself in this type of players because in spite of I didn't play a lot of hours a day, I used to spend all of it in being a better player and in playing some competitive tournaments, of course I didn't earn any money playing that type of tournaents. -
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season 2 chapter 2
Actually we are in that season and in my opinion this is the best season because I am trying to be a better player and they give us a lot of oportunities with different types of tournaments like the FNCS, the daily cup and the contender cash cup. The only thing that I don't understand is the reason why they are delaying the new season, it could be that they are preparing a especial event to introduce it or only the thing that they don't have more ideas, with Epic Games we never know.