Forrest Gump Timeline Project

  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    The passing of this law allowed whites and blacks attend the same school. This caused many problems between the whites and blacks, many schools protested and many problems were created.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was against the Communist North and the Democratic South. The United States got involved in order to eradicate communist threats in the world.
  • Martin Luther King gives his "I Have A Dream" speech on his civil rights march

    Martin Luther King gives his "I Have A Dream" speech on his civil rights march
    On August 28, 1963 Martin Luther King delivered one of the most rememberable speeches ever delivered. This speech was in best interest of the equality of White and Black people becoming part of an equal nation.
  • JFK assassinated

    JFK assassinated
    John F. Kennedy was killed Lee Harvey Oswald. He was killed while he was in Dallas, Texas.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in order to bring equality in the United States. The idea of this act originally came from the idea of John F. Kennedy.
  • Nixon Visits China

    Nixon Visits China
    The First American to visit a communist country since problems began about nuclear threats. The sole purpose of Nixon going to China and The Soviet Union was to to sign the SALT.
  • Vietnam ends

    Vietnam ends
    The actions of the United States Army resulted in the end of the war in Vietnam. The War resulted in South Vietnam becoming the leading power of the entire country.
  • USA Lands on the moon

    USA Lands on the moon
    In 1969, NASA finally lands on the moon. Neil Armstrong was the was first human to step foot on the moon.