Forrest Gump Timeline Project

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    Cold war

    The Cold War was basically the USSR and the U.S. in a competition to see who accomplished what first and such, but they never went into direct combat. For example, once America was able to make nuclear weapons, the USSR would follow shortly after. They wanted to see who could make more and whoever did was basically superior.
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    Korean War Starting on June 25, North Koreans started trying to take over the South. They just wanted to spread their communism so that they could spread communism. Then the U,S, came and helped them fight back because they were allies. The war was always changing and one part kept getting more control until they needed to withdraw because this wasn't a war they would win. So they came onto an agreement to split the country in half at the 38th parallel.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact The Warsaw pact was by the Communist countries and they just wanted control over more armies. Most likely because if anything were to happen they have a strong military against NATO. NATO was a military alliance with the Western powers that didn't believe in communism and wanted it contained.
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    Vietnam War The Vietnam War lasted for 20 years. It started off with us fighting to help keep Vietnam from becoming a full communist country like we've done with other countries. After LBJ became president we were still in the war and around the beginning of the 1970's people were starting to see no point in this war and wanted the troops to stop fighting. In 1973 LBJ took a good amount of troops out and sent them home and it ended in 1975.
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    Suez Crisis The Suez Crisis was when Israel, France, and Britain made a pact to get rid of Nasser, the leader of Egypt at the time. On October 29th Israel attacks while Britain and France bombed Egypt. On November 7, 1956, the USSR and the U.S. tried to make a resolution so that they would stop attacking immediately. The good thing is, is that it actually worked, they all agreed to the terms and the war was over.
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    Sputnik was the first object that was able to be successfully sent into space by the Russians. Sputnik was able to actually join Earth's orbit as well which was beyond incredible. Sputnik was the event that began the Space Race between the United States and Russia.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was built in 1961 by the Soviet Union. During this time period, the pro Communists and Soviet Union in Germany wanted to keep the Allies out. During the duration of the Berlin Wall, the allies helped the people on the East with the Berlin Airlift which supplied them with necessities and food.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis was during the Cold War. The crisis here is that Russia decided to plant nuclear weapons in Cuba which was so close to the United States and therefore they were a threat to us at the time. During this time Americans feared of the start of a nuclear war with Russia. Kennedy had things under control though in the end, they came to the agreement that the United States doesn't try to invade Cuba.
  • Alabama College Desegregated

    Alabama College Desegregated Vivien Malone and James Hood were two colored students who were going to enter the University of Alabama for the first time in hopes of desegregating this college. The image shown is when Vivien is being allowed into the school with no issues at all. Before that the Governor George Wallace tried to deny these two student entrance into the college, but was soon forced to due to Kennedy's orders.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    While JFK was assassinated, he was doing a presidential campaign is Dallas Texas. JFK was assassinated by a man of the name Lee Harvey Oswald. After JFK was assassinated America changed because everyone loved Kennedy and after hearing about his assassination Americans were heartbroken. Not only heartbroken but shocked as well because why would anyone want to cause any harm to one of America's most adored presidents.
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing On July 16,1969 the Apollo 11 was sent into space and was the first successful space ship America was able to land on the moon. The astronauts that were on-board were Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. When they landed on the Moon they left an American flag to show other countries what our country can do and what we can accomplish. There is a patch on that flag in memory of the fallen astronauts that came before these men.
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy The Ping Pong Diplomacy was when the American ping pong team was invited to play against China. It was a big deal because these were the first Americans to ever set foot in China since they became a Communist country. Shortly after, American invited the Chinese to come visit America as well and ever since then because of ping pong the United States and Chine have been on good terms.