
Forrest Gump Timeline

  • Brown v. BOE

    Brown v. BOE
    In the Supreme Court Case ruling, it overturned the "Separate but Equal clause" by Plessy v. Ferguson. This allowed African Americans to attend all white public schools for they were desegregated. It also ended public segregation. (8.2 II B)
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    A war during the cold war, the United States entered the war as a means to contain communism. The war was escalated by Lyndon B. Johnson and the public revolted with anti-war movements. Such events like the My Lai massacre and the Tet offensive set off the american public on the home front to protest. (8.1 I B) Song
  • Elvis Presley Rock n' Roll

    Elvis Presley Rock n' Roll
    An icon for many young countercultures during the 20th century, he was known as the "King of Rock and Roll". He went on to inspire the counterculture during the 20th century which led to many act out of the norm, especially women. For example, flappers, drugs, hippies, etc. (8.3 II A) Video
  • Students For a Democratic Society

    Students For a Democratic Society
    Formed to fight for educational rights at first, but later opposed war. They were a huge anti-war group and were against the draft. They also supported African American rights and women rights. They were part of events such as the Kent State massacre, a shooting of anti-war students.. They held sit-ins and teach-ins all around the nation as well.(8.1 II B)
  • The assassination of JFK

    The assassination of JFK
    On November 22, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. This marked a historical change America's public and for all the following presidents. Assassination. The public was extremely sadden by this event, since he was a president adored by many across the nation. This especially affected the young Americans, for they adored JFK and his perspectives on the public agenda.
  • Black Panther Party

    Black Panther Party
    During the Civil Rights Era, a political organization, named the Black Panthers was created. They were created to protect African Americans against police brutality, racism, and discrimination. They also opposed the war and sending African Americans to war. Finally, they were fighting against oppression among their race.(8.2 I C) Video
  • Assassination of Robert Kennedy

    Assassination of Robert Kennedy
    On June 6, running candidate Robert F, Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles. This also set in motion an enraged public for hopes of a president that can altar the course of history was gone. Months after MLK's assassination, Robert F. Kennedy was running for president to resolve problems of the Vietnam War set into motion by LBJ, as well as civil rights. Video
  • Anti-War Protest on Washington

    Anti-War Protest on Washington
    As the Vietnam war escalates from Lyndon B. Johnson signing the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Many protest the actions of the Vietnam war, including the Black Panthers, Students for a Democratic Society, etc. There was also violence that erupted such as the Kent State massacre and sit-ins that resulted poorly for the protesters, however this event was significant among the public and the government. (8.1 II B) Video
  • War on Drugs

    War on Drugs
    Due to the rising consumption of drugs and trade in the United States, Nixon issued a war on drugs in the nation. Many of the counterculture used drugs as a way to express themselves freely against the government and the war. Heroin and cocaine was a growing concern on soldiers and the counterculture for many have fallen victim to these drugs. Song/Video
  • Nixon's visit to China

    Nixon's visit to China
    Nixon's visit to China had a huge impact during the Cold War. It helped ease tensions between the United States and China & Soviet Union. Just like ping pong diplomacy, it helped open up China with the United States. (8.1 I C)
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Nixon planned and lead a covert operation into the Democratic headquarters located in the Watergate hotel. His plan was eventually spoiled when some of the "burglars" were caught in the hotel. They were wiretapping and stealing documents. This event eventually led to Nixon's resignation and an untrustworthy government. It shaped the public view of governments throughout the rest of history. (8.2 III E) [Video](}
  • Apple Inc.

    Apple Inc.
    The invention of a personal computer led to a technological development in the world. Computers were now "portable" in a way that many people starting purchasing the product, boosting the economy and the company itself. It was a huge technological boom in America.