Forrest Gump Timeline By S.Garcia

  • Forrest Dancing With Elvis

    Forrest Dancing With Elvis
  • Elvis Releases Hound Dog

    Elvis Releases Hound Dog
    After Elvis left his room at Forest's house Elvis recorded his infamous song "Hound Dog". After walking by an electronic store Forrest got to see Elvis use the dance move that he created.
  • 1963 All-American Team meets President John F. Kennedy

    1963 All-American Team meets President John F. Kennedy
    Forrest Gump meets President Kennedy, drinks 15 Dr.Peppers, and uses the presidential bathroom and sees a photo of Marilyn Monroe.
  • The University of Alabama is Desegregated

    The University of Alabama is Desegregated
    While enrolled at the University of Alabama Forrest witnessed the school become desegregated, helped one of the two students out and picked up her book, and tried to hand it back to her. Forrest could later be seen in the film-roll in the movie capturing George Wallace's speech.
  • JFK Assassinated

    JFK Assassinated
    After congratulating Forrest on his football accomplishments just a few months prior JFK was tragically shot by Lee Harvey Oswald. Lee Harvey Oswald would later be killed by Jack Ruby.
  • Forrest Saves The Members Of His Platoon In Battle

    Forrest Saves The Members Of His Platoon In Battle
    After Forrest and Bubba are deployed to Vietnam a few months later, Forrest's platoon was ambushed and some of them didn't make it. This is a harsh reality a lot of young men had to face in Vietnam.
  • Forrest Discovers Ping-Pong

    Forrest Discovers Ping-Pong
    After being shot in the behind by the Viet Cong, Forrest takes up playing Ping-pong and finds that soon he has a natural talent with it.
  • Robert F. “Bobby” Kennedy was assassinated

    Robert F. “Bobby” Kennedy was assassinated
  • Forrest Receives A Metal From President L.B.J.

    Forrest Receives A Metal From President L.B.J.
    After his show of bravery in the face of conflict, Forrest is awarded a medal from President Lyndon B. Johnson. Forrest then pulls down his pants and shows President Johnson where he got shot.
  • United States Lands On The Moon

    United States Lands On The Moon
  • "Imagine" by John Lennon Released

    "Imagine" by John Lennon Released
    After appearing on the Dick Cavet Show with Forrest, John Lennon took interest in the things Forrest was saying. This scene implies that Forrest helped inspire John Lennon to write Imagine.
  • When the U.S Table Tennis Team Traveled to China For The First Time

    When the U.S Table Tennis Team Traveled to China For The First Time
    After being shot in the butt, Forrest started playing Ping-pong to pass the time only to find that he's pretty good at playing Ping-pong. He was so good at playing Ping-pong that he got selected to play for the team that represented the United States in China.
  • John Lenon’s first appearance on the Dick Cavett Talk Show

    John Lenon’s first appearance on the Dick Cavett Talk Show
  • George Wallace Shot

    George Wallace Shot
  • Watergate Break In Occurrence

    Watergate Break In Occurrence
    After Nixon gives his praise of Forrest, later on at night, President Nixon puts together a team to break in and look at election results, in the hope that he can sway the vote in his favor.
  • Birth of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

    Birth of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.
    After returning from Vietnam and China, Forrest and Lieutenant Dan Taylor start a shrimping business in memorial of Benjamin Buford "Bubba" Blue. While stationed in Vietnam Bubba and Forrest talked about starting their shrimping business only for Bubba to not make it out leading to Forrest and Lieutenant Taylor to start the business for Bubba.
  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon Resigns
    After meeting Forrest, Nixon sent Five men into the Watergate hotel to help sway the election and ensure his win. And Forrest had to witness it going on.
  • Hurricane Carmen Hits Louisiana

    Hurricane Carmen Hits Louisiana
    This hurricane almost cost Lousiana all of its shrimping business. Hurricane Carmen caused so much damage that it cost the United States 162 million dollars.
  • Date Forrest Gets The Call His Mother Is Sick

    Date Forrest Gets The Call His Mother Is Sick
  • Forrest Starts Running

    Forrest Starts Running
    After Jenny leaves Forrest again and again, Forrest starts running and doesn't stop running until he's fed up and wants to go home.
  • Forrest & Lieutenant Dan Invest In Apple

    Forrest & Lieutenant Dan Invest In Apple
    After the success of the shrimping business, Lieutenant Dan took their money from their success and invested it into another company.
  • Date of the first known outbreak of AIDs

    Date of the first known outbreak of AIDs
    The first patient that the United States recognized to have Aids was a man named Ken Horne. he became known for being patient zero to an epidemic that has claimed the lives of thousands of Americans lives.
  • Forrest Receives Jenny’s letter

    Forrest Receives Jenny’s letter
    Forrest receives Jenny's letter after she left him around 4 years ago. Jenny left Forrest after a night together and kept little newspaper clippings of Forrest.
  • Jenny Dies Of An Unknown Illness

    Jenny Dies Of An Unknown Illness
    Jenny dies in the early part of the 1980s due to an unknown illness that people that share needles sometimes get aka AIDS.
  • Forrest Stops Running

    Forrest Stops Running
    Forrest got tired of running so, he stopped just running around the country and ran home. Forrest ran home and opened the letter from Jenny.